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Faith's pov

Once we arrived at the batcave Bruce went to this big computer thing, he sat down and worked on some files. "Wait" said Nanu making us stop from going up to the manor. We all looked back at her waiting for her to say whatever she was about to say. "If we're in a different dimension, does that mean we have doppelgangers?" She asked. "Oh yeah because on the Flash those things exists" Hilary chimed in. "The Flash?" Dick, Jason, Damian, Tim and I said in unison. "The TV show" they replied.

"Before I brought you girls here I asked Barbara to gather information about the three of you by sending a copy of your fingerprints that was left on my desk when you three were resting." Bruce looked up to us away from what he's working on. "If doppelgangers are really a thing or at least in this dimension, there would be a data of information about the three of you with of course slight difference." He added. "And?" Asked Nanu. "No information about anything, therefore there isn't another you" he replied.

There was a wave of "ohhhh" coming from us. All of us went up to the manor and decided to take a shower. Our rooms has our own bathroom just in case you forgot about that. I was getting dressed when I heard someone knocking on my door. "Just a second" I said loud enough for the person to hear. Once I got dressed I opened the door and saw Alfred. "Dinner will be served in ten minutes Miss Faith" he said. "I'll be down there, thanks Alfred" with that he smiled and walked away.

We were having dinner together so instead in the kitchen island we all sat in the dining room. We then started eating our meals, everyone was so quiet until Bruce spoke up. "Jason." He said and we all looked up from our almost finished plates. "Bruce." Jason replied. Could this be it? Could our talks with them work? We finished our meals and stood up. "Come to my office, I need to talk to you" Bruce said. Jason just nodded and followed Bruce to his office. We all put our plates away in the dishwasher, it was the least we can do for Alfred. We then thanked him and we all went to the living room for unknown reason. We kinds just followed each other there.

"What exactly did the two of you said to Bruce and Jason?" Dick asked. "We just told them that they've been given a second chance to reconnect and suggested to not waste it" I said. "Are we just gonna stand here or?" Tim paused waiting for someone to answer. "We should sneak in and listen to what they're saying" Nanu chimed in. "I second that" Hil and I said in unison. Damian nodded and so did Dick and with that, we all went to Bruce's office. Dick slowly opened the door enough for us to see what's happening. We didn't hear the whole thing but the next thing we knew they were hugging each other. "I'm proud of you" Bruce said breaking away the hug with his hands on Jason's shoulders. "Son." He added. I heard Hilary squealed and quickly placed her hands on her mouth. "Thanks." Jason stated. "Dad" he said smiling.

Dick couldn't handle it much longer and went in the office making the four of us fall on the ground since we were just on top of him. "Yay finally! My hard works payed off" he said hugging the both of them. We all stood up and entered the office. Me and Hilary cleared our throats. "Oh yes and thanks to them too" he added with a snug on his face. "Does this mean Jason will live here again?" Tim asked. "Yes" was all Bruce said. "Great another unavoidable irritation." Damian said the first word sarcastically. "Aww I'm flattered." Jason said with his hands on his chest mocking Damian. Jason then walked up to me and ruffled my hair. "Thank you" he whispered to me. I smiled at him.

Damian was about to attack Jason when Nanu and Dick stopped him. He mumbled something but we couldn't really hear it. "Things will definitely be different around here." Hil stated. "You should stay here with us too Dick" I said smiling at him. "Maybe I'll stay here for about a week." He said smiling back. "I hope you're not mad at me anymore." Said Tim facing Jason. "Of course not. I was only mad at Bruce before thinking he replaced me with you. I never was mad at you. Besides, me calling you replacement will be a little inside joke of ours" he said putting Tim in a headlock and ruffled his hair. He then lets go of Tim and we all laughed even Bruce, Damian only snickered.

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