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Bruce's pov

It's been two sleepless days since the incident. Still no new information about Nanu which worries us all. Hilary hasn't left Faith's side and refused to eat anything. I told her not to go on patrol anymore but she was determined. She weaponized her anger which makes her more violent, I did have the boys and Cass to keep an eye out for her in case she ever decided to go on a rampage.

The girl hasn't speak either and had Dinah to talk to her since she is the therapist of the team...

Right now I'm with Flash in the interrogation room with the girl trying to get her to speak.

"You're safe here." Flash said in a comforting tone. "They're not going to get you, they're not gonna be able to hurt you"

The girl was just staring into space behind us probably lost in her thoughts.

"trianta pente athwoi anthrwpoi. Exw dolofonisei trianta pente athwous anthrwpous"(Thirty-five innocent people. I've assassinated thirty-five innocent people) she finally spoke, muttering out the words, eyes still not looking up from whatever she was staring at. She spoke in Greek which I understood, Barry however, had a look of confusion.

(It wasn't your fault) I replied.

"Uhhh i don't know if you're aware but uh, I'm still here and I have no idea what you guys just said" Barry stated as he walked in the middle left side of us for him to be seen in our range.

(Do you speak English?) I asked looking back at her. She nodded in response now looking up at us.

Flash cleared his throat and I gave him a glare making him smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Turning back to face the girl, I took a seat and sat down in front of the desk that she was sitting behind of. Barry did the same except he was sitting on the chair facing the opposite direction, resting his chin on his hands on the top rail of the chair.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Anna. My name is Anna." Her thick European accent can be heard as she replied.

"Nice name" Barry remarked.

"Okay Anna, tell us everything you know, and how did they treat you?" I told hands clasped on the desk.

"I remember I was in Greece with my parents at an amusement park since it was my little sister's birthday. In the middle of a rollercoaster ride with them, a blue light appeared above us and everything around me went bright, blinding my sight." She sighed. Barry then zoomed out of the room and zoomed back in holding a stuffed animal, a rabbit, giving it to Anna for her to hold on to as comfort and sat back down.

"Once the blinding light was gone, I noticed I was in a dimly lit room filled with people, seemingly around my age. The next thing we knew we were injected with some kind of fluid causing us to black out. When we woke up it felt like everything was normal, like nothing happened. We were fully conscious but our bodies seemed like it had a mind of its own." Her face flushing red, tears started to form.

"All I could ever do is watch as they begin training us to become assassins, a woman joined their legion recently, I think her name is Talia, she helped form us in to their weapon." My eyes widened at the mention of Talia. I had no control over my own body. "They treated us like weapons with no face they can just throw away once faulty." She sniffled.

"They say I am one of their greatest product. They kept sending us to assassinate different people, people who just wanted to live in peace, people who quitted being their right hand man, their goons. Some that aren't associated with them in any way just to cause this "distraction"" air quoting distraction, her voice began trembling as she reminisced the many individuals they've killed. It wasn't their fault though. If anyone is to blame it's Luthor and his team.

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