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Nanu's pov

I woke up earlier than usual for some reason. I am currently beside my two sleeping friends. I checked to see the clock and it's only an hour before the alarm rings. I don't really feel that tired to go back to sleep. I sighed and slowly got out of bed making my way to Hilary's bathroom to was my face. After that I got out still in my sleepwear and went outside of her room. I wasn't sure where I was going but I am now wandering the halls of the manor.

I heard a bit of grunting coming from the training room so I walked my way towards it. As I entered the room I saw Damian repetitively punching a punching bag muttering something. He probably hasn't noticed me yet since all I'm hearing are complaints from him while beating out the life of this lifeless punching bag. "Son he says" Damian said grunting kicking the bag. "Welcome back home he says" he added still beating the bag. "He welcomed him while he didn't know what to do with me when mother abandoned me here" he says as he punches. "I'm his son! He doesn't need any of those surrogates." He said kicking the punching bag out of it's hanging position cussing it to land on the ground.

"Woah easy there" I said with my hands motioning him to calm down. He then grabbed a bo staff that was on the ground and threw it at me but I quickly dodged it. He calmed down when he recognized my face. "Aldea you should know never to sneak up on someone who's from- nevermind." He stated. League of assassins? "I know, sorry" I said walking closer to him. "You're up early." I said trying to change the topic. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked.

"Long enough for me to hear your rants."

"It was nothing."

"It's clearly something."

I then sat on the bench and patted the space beside me as a way of telling him to sit down beside me. To my surprise he accepted it. He then drank from his bottled water and once he was done he sets it aside. "So... Do you always wake up this early?" I asked and he nodded. "Training before school then I see." I added. "it's part of my routine." He stated. "Is ranting and beating the heck out of that bag part of your routine?" I asked and he looked down.

"I was holding all my anger back at father's office when we were all there listening to his and Todd's conversation to what he said to him at patrol." He started ranting. Honestly, I didn't expect him to be so open to me considering well you know, he's Damian. But I guess he's still a child and human too so it just make sense.

"How come he was so happy when he came back while I, his biological son, felt like he didn't want to do anything with me. Drake's already my rival and now I have to deal with not one but three." He sighed. How do I comfort this child? I put a hand on his back trying to comfort him. "Don't you want them having around as your brothers?" I asked. "They aren't my brothers. I was taught in the league-" "Damian, you're not in the league anymore. Like it or not, they are your brothers. What about Cassandra? What do you think of her?" I asked cutting him off, kinda regret that though since he was still ranting.

"Cain and I somehow has similarities, she's acceptable." He said looking at me. "You do realize family is not merely blood, right?" I asked. He just looked down and said nothing. Of course he doesn't, he was raised by some cult or whatever. "How would you describe it then?" He said raising a brow. "Well I would describe it as someone who's there for you and loves you unconditionally. It could be anyone for that matter. Take me, Faith and Hil for example. I just met them when we got here but now we're inseparable. I consider them family." I replied. "Another example is me and my siblings. No matter how much we fight, we're always still there for each other no matter what. Same goes with my parents." I added.

"Why?" Was all he asked. "Why???" I asked waiting for him to continue. "Why are you doing this. Why are you being kind?" He asked. "Damian.. Being kind to someone shouldn't have a reason. It's simply the most humane thing to do. Now it's up to the people who we're being kind to if they'll return that kindness or not." I replied. "Bruce was maybe processing things when he first met you and all but I assure you, he loves you as much as he loves your brothers." I said while he said nothing. "You're very much like him actually. Underneath that shell is a kind soul." I remarked.

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