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Tim's Pov

"I'll see you around ese!" Shouted Jaime walking away from me waving his hand and started running. "See ya" I yelled back. This day was the most boring day ever. We didn't do much and I'm practically done with all the work they gave me. I like working on my homeworks early for one it gives me more time and two I can do all the red robin stuffs and help in the cave. As I was going towards the gates I saw Alfred standing outside. I was stopped in my tracks when someone bumped me and continued walking like nothing happened. "Watch it Drake!" Damian growled at me. So it was him who bumped me. I'll get you later demon spawn I thought. I didn't want to draw more attention since I'm in a crowd so I just let that slide.

I reached the gates and went outside there I saw Alfred and Damian. Damian glared at me like I did something to him. I guess it's pretty understandable for him to be in this state since Bruce told him to stop skipping classes or he'll be banned from patrol. He's only twelve and he already thinks he's superior. "Hey Alfred" I greeted him "demon spawn" I mumbled looking at Damian. He probably heard that but thank goodness he chose to ignore it. "Shall we head back now?" Alfred asked. We nodded and head down the steps of the school and arrived Infront of our limo with Faith, Nanu, and Hilary standing outside talking to each other.

"We'll find out tomorrow" I heard Nanu say. "What will you find out tomorrow?" I asked. "Oh, we'll be going to school with you tomorrow" she replied. "So you're last name is Aldea" Damian said facing Nanu with a smirk. "Don't get so high up Wayne" she replied with a smirk. These two really gets along well. "Are we waiting for anyone else?" Hil asked. "No we're not. Get in now young ones" said Alfred opening the back door.
"So how'd you find out about our last names? We only told them to Bruce" Faith asked as she went in. Hilary went in next sitting next to her. Nanu let me go in first and then Damian and she went in last.

"I saw Father at the office giving the school the requirements needed for your enrollment" he replied. "And you sneaked in to see the files?" Hil asked. "No. I was sent there for stabbing one of my classmates with a pen." He said calmly. The three of them didn't know how to respond to that. Even if me and Damian aren't in good terms as much. We do care for each other well at least I hope he does. I knew about him being bullied despite him being a Wayne. I mean it happened to me too. I offered him help multiple times but he doesn't want me to interfere and told me not tell anyone else so that's what I did, he's my brother so even if he doesn't want me interfering I will. But he did made me promise not tell anyone and I'll keep that promise. It's the least that I can do.

Damian's pov

They were all quiet after what I said. I don't know if that's because they were shocked or they were scared. It gave me time to process what just happened these past days. Of course the occasional being teased at school was normal. I could handle them anyways. Father now enrolled these people to school but what's the point of that when they'll leave once they have the interdimentional extrapolator built. Is he thinking of adopting them? Surely not since they'll go back to their dimension after all of this is sorted out. I don't know why but the thought of having them around as sisters makes me feel something new. Something I've never felt before. It's confusing. I already have considered Cain as my sister since she's adopted by father and we have somewhat similarities. Although I only see her around during patrol if she decides to join the mission since she's already patrolling in Hong Kong.

I was cut off from my thoughts when Garcia spoke up. "So... How was patrol? Did you find any info?" She asked. "Well we found out that you and your friends weren't the only one who got dragged here. There are more teenagers who seemed to be mind controlled by Luthor" Drake replied. "Seems like Joker was the one who dragged them here and handed it to Luthor" I added. "They're working together along with some other villains all around the cities and is probably setting up another injustice league but with mind controlled teenagers as their army" Drake stated. "How many teens were dragged here?" "And why teens?" "Why would they need an army? Are they that weak?" The three of them asked.

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