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Hilary's pov

So here we are at the dinner table and peacefully eating the meal Alfred has made us. Extra special because Cass is here and everyone is with us. The silence was broken when Bruce finally cleared his throat. "Damian. You're teacher called me and had me sent to the principal's office along with five parents. Do you mind explaining what happened."

I leaned over to Faith and whispered "what exactly did you and Damian talk about?". "I'm not telling" was all she whispered back. Fine then have it your way, kidding I love her too much to be mad. She's like my sister yknow same with Nanu, we've been here almost a week already.

"They have a broken nose Damian." He added. "It wasn't Damian who did that." Tim spoke up. Bruce looked at him wide eyed. The rest of us were just tensed up watching the whole thing eating dinner. "Didn't I told you not to hurt civilians?" Bruce scolded.

I see Faith getting furious as if she wanted to slap Bruce. I don't blame her tho, sometimes when I watch movies involving them and once Bruce called his own son stupid on "son of batman" I had the urge to slap him and thought it wasn't possible because he's fictional. Well now we're here that changes everything.

"They deserved it." Damian protested. "How can you be so reckless?" Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. Great first dinner with Cass and it's becoming a disaster. Dick rubbed hi hand on Bruce's back and told him to calm down. "Don't you remember what Faith said?" Dick said in a whispering tone but since I'm seated next to him I heard it.

"You were being bullied. Why?" He asked, okay why is he like this? He sure does show his love to his children in his own way but from what I'm witnessing, they're not really good at talking. Nanu told the two of us the real reason why she hadn't left yet. It wasn't only because of us but she had her own mission. To make this family a little less dysfunctional. Attempting to make them repress their emotions less and talk. Because beating the life out of criminals won't help them and we promised to help.

"Faith calm down" I whispered calming my furious friend. Nanu looked at her concerned and rubbed a hand on her back. "Imbecile! You promised not to tell!" Damian stood up pointing at Tim. "I didn't!" Tim stood up with his hands on the table. Good thing Alfred was making desserts otherwise he wouldn't be pleased. "I did." Faith stood up.

"Williams? Why?" Damian looked at her confused. Actually, all of them except for Bruce, Dick, and I, looked confused. "Why don't we all calm down and sit back and finish our meals." Nanu tried persuading them. "He has to know." Was all Faith replied. "Wait does that mean you told him about...?" Nanu asked worriedly. "I had to." She said looking down at her. Tim, Faith, and Damian calmed down and sat down again.

"How long have you been hiding this from me? I deserved to know." Said Bruce. "Since the first day" Tim responded. "I couldn't do anything about it. I wasn't a vigilante at school" he paused and took a sip of water. "Besides, I can handle myself, I didn't want to add more problems" he added. "I thought you'd be disappointed. So I let them do whatever they want to me. I never once used what I have learned in the league. If it wasn't for Drake I would've came home with bruises." Damian remarked.

"It's fine Bruce I held back any back anyways, only used self defense" said Tim. "I'm gonna have to talk to Bruce later." Faith whispered to me. "Do you want me to come with or...?" I whispered back. "No I'll be fine." She responded. She then did the same thing with Nanu and we nodded. We didn't hear the rest since we were focused on what Faith was telling us but soon enough Bruce dropped the questioning and Alfred came in with desserts.

After dinner we went to our rooms and took a shower, got changed, you know the usual. And I layed back in my bed not knowing what else to do. Things here sure escalates quickly.

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