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Bruce's Pov

I sent Dick and Jason to Gotham academy to fetch the kids? Is that how I'm supposed to describe them? Anyways, Cass and Barbara already went out and catched up with each other so after they fetch them from school I told them to meet up with them at the mall to buy some things for the gala tomorrow. Right now I'm at the watchtower, one way or another, I'll have to explain Jason's resurrection and how he's the red hood. He'll be showing up in public anyways after a few years same with Cass.

"Explain." Clark demanded. We were all gathered in the meeting area with the few league members who knows my identity. "Why did you call us here?" Asked Diana. "Faith kind of yelled Red Hood's name" said Dinah. I was taken aback with what she said. I can't blame the kid tho. It was all new to her. It happened already and I can't do anything about it.

"Jason. He's alive." Was all I said. All of them had the look of confusion and shocked in their faces. "Jason? The second robin?" Diana asked in disbelief. "How's that possible?" Asked Barry. "More importantly, why did he became a crime lord?" Asked Oliver.

"I had no idea Ra's took Jason's body and dipped him in to the Lazarus pit. The pit messed him up making him like that. He began killing criminals to stop them for good. He was mad at me for not finishing the Joker after allowing him to die. After he saw what I did to save robin and commissioner Gordon, he fully forgave me. Jason then became an ally but the bond that we had hasn't came back. I still don't agree with "the red hood ways" as he likes to call it but because of Dick trying to patch things up for the both of us and the girls giving us pep talks, I finally got to tell him what I should've told him before. The bond we had before may not fully recover or may not be the same but at least we finally reconciled not just as vigilantes but as Jason and Bruce Wayne."

"That was the most cheesy thing I've ever heard from Batman." Said shayera who came out of nowhere. "Where did- how did you- how's vacation?" Asked Barry completely confused. "I wasn't on vacation. I was on a private mission." She responded

"No but seriously, I never thought we'd hear batman say that" Clark snickered. I never thought I'd say that either. "The girls? Cass, Barbara and Steph?" Asked Oliver. "No. Well yes but no."

"The teens from the other dimension?" Asked Barry. "Yes." Was all I said. "Can someone explain what's going on?" Asked Shayera.

After explaining everything to Shayera we decided to call it a day and went back to whatever things we were doing. "Tomorrow don't forget!" Chimed Oliver. I nodded and head over the zeta tube and teleported back to the cave.

Crazy how these girls just shows up at my office not long ago and has already made such an impact on us. And to think I never wanted to deal with them or do anything with them is absurd because I don't know if I want them to go back to their world anymore.

[Time skip to Saturday morning]

Hilary's pov

I woke up to all of the commotion happening in the room. I was too tired to even flutter my eyes open so I pulled the duvet up to shoulders and layed on my stomach making my face sink in the pillow that's very very soft. "Dude if you're not going to the gala then you should've just told." I heard Nanu. "Hilary it's 9am and the gala starts at around 12 noon, you need to get ready now." Said Faith. I groaned and layed back properly and finally opened my eyes and stretching my arms.

I then saw some people doing their makeup and preparing our shoes. Both of them were already wearing their dresses and has their hair done. Faith's hair in a donut bun with braid while Nanu's in a side braid ponytail. "What the- what's going on?" I yawned. Alfred then came in with a tray that has waffles and orange juice. "Good morning Miss Hilary, glad you're finally awake. These are the people that will help you prepare for the gala, I take that you might want breakfast in bed since you're the last one to wake up. Hurry now, the flight to star city takes off in an hour and the trip to star city would be approximately two hours." Said Alfred as he placed the tray on the top of the emptied bedside table. "Thanks Alfred."

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