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Faith's pov

The league members who were on this mission was somewhere in Bosnia with us. We spreaded out now in different locations in Bosnia. We got here around three am and right now it's afternoon. and I'm in one of their safe houses with Orphan copying the formulas to the antidote, trying to create more. Batman's orders, since Ray had a different mission with another branch of the justice League who apparently time travels and calls themselves the Legends. I haven't met any of them yet but I think Dinah's sister is part of the team.

We could've just done this at the batcave to be honest but I guess Bruce has other plans. Besides, this is just part of our mission. The main task is to infiltrate their turf and expose the mind controlled teens with our synthetic gas.

"Down!" Yelled Orphan pulling me down from our finished work, hiding behind the table as glass shards flew from the now broken window with bullets flying through. "What now?" I yelled through the amount of noise in the background coming from the gunshots, covering my ears.

"Take the antidote, I'll handle them" Cass replied and as if on cue, a group of assassin dressed like people, I'm assuming they're the teens the injustice league "recruited", started breaking in our supposedly safe house and Cass single handedly fought them. As Cass was busy taking them down, I quickly grabbed a small briefcase and hurriedly shoving in the antidote.

Once in the case, I rushed out of the scene and made my way outside. Often looking back to see if anyone was following me. I was then hit by a door causing me to shake my head not realizing a car was in front of me. The car crashed on to me making me roll on top of the hood of the vehicle and back to the ground with the case out of my grip. It felt horrible. My whole body aching and I think I might have broken a rib.

On the ground laying sideways, I glanced over to the case that was a few walks away from me. I then saw another one of those assassin mind controlled teens who has their gaze locked on the case that's now in the middle of us. I stood up with all my strength and reached for the case, they were also reaching for the case but I got to it first.

Stumbling as I tried to properly stand up, she swung a pocketknife at my stomach but I avoided it. Still trying to get a hold of my balance, I swung the case hoping to hit their head but she doged it. Taking one of their hits, I winces in pain, limping away from them. I was then pulled back and I quickly grabbed their hand that was holding the pocketknife, twisting it with all my might making them fall to their knees. They then let go of the knife and caught it by the handle with their free hand and stabbed me on my stomach, as I let go of their other hand they started twisting the knife before slicing the rest of my stomach.

I yelled in pain still not letting go of the case and fell to the ground, facing the pavement. I felt their hand on my shoulder. I knew they were going to make me face them so with all the strength that I had left I opened the case with one hand and grabbed one of the antidote. Once I was facing them, I quickly extended my arm to their face and flipped open the tube making the purple gas escape. I saw them wave their hand in attempt to make the gas clear out.

Blinking hard taking their mask that was covering their face revealing a pale brunette girl with pretty green eyes. I was panting the whole time trying to stay awake or in this case, stay alive. She shaked her head trying to brush some of the particles off and looked at me. I was bleeding so much I didn't know how much longer I could keep up. She kneeled down at me and was frantically looking at me. Gasping for air I didn't know what happened next, everything was turning black and all the noises slowly disappearing.

3rd pov.

The teen was panicking as she saw a possible corpse on the ground still bleeding out. She couldn't help but blame herself for not being in control. She was fully conscious and was aware with what she was doing but for some reason she didn't had any control over her actions. Orphan came running to the scene stopping when she saw Faith laying on the ground unconscious bleeding with an empty tube in her left hand and a distraught teenager on the verge of crying kneeling next to her with a pocketknife on the ground a few inches away and the case next to Faith's ride side a few inches away from her hand.

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