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Hilary's pov

I woke up and saw it was dark. Not too dark. The moonlight shining through the window's blinds were able to light the room a little bit. I checked the time from the digital clock on Nanu's wall. 5:35 am. Well I guess you wake up this early when you sleep early. I looked back down to see Faith and Nanu snuggling in their sleep. I wanted to join the snuggling sensation but I might just wake them up. I went to her bathroom and washed my face. I wonder who's up at this time. I went downstairs to check if anyone is awake. " I DID MY PART. I CAUGHT THE BAD GUYS WHAT ELSE DID I DO WRONG?" I heard Jason yelled. I quickly followed where his voice is coming from. I was now standing behind the library door peeking in to see what's happening.

"You almost got them killed" I saw Bruce glaring at him still in his Batman suit. I saw Dick in his Nightwing suit came out from one of entrances of the cave. Don't they rest? How long were they patrolling? Does that mean Tim and Damian are still awake? "Why are we spying on them?" I felt my heart skipped a beat when I heard someone whispered. I turned around to see Faith still in her sleepwear. "Shh. I'll explain later." I turned back to watch what was happening and faith did the same. "Bruce, calm down. They were almost killed by Jason but they aren't dead. They're alive. Isn't that what matters?" Dick stated. "And what if they did? This wouldn't have happened if you just left your pistols or haven't changed the rubber bullets back to actual bullets" Bruce stated. "Oh another fight" We both were startled by the sudden voice whispering to us. We turned around and saw Tim. "Hey" he stated.

"You're not on patrol duty?" I asked. "No. Mine and Damian's ended five hours ago. I'm already rested up and ready for the day." He replied. "Are they always like this?" Faith asked. "Sometimes." Was all he said. We all went to the kitchen island and sat down. "So why were you spying on them?" Tim asked. "I just woke up actually and saw Hil wasn't in bed so I got out and looked for her. When I saw her spying on them I joined her." Faith replied. "Well I actually wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep. Maybe I was too excited for today. So I got up and head downstairs to see if anyone was awake. I heard Jason yelling so there I was. Spying on them." I replied.

"Dick has been trying to fix things between them but I don't think they'll make up" Tim stated. Me and Faith just looked at each other and looked back at Tim. "Just Dick?" I asked. "I haven't really talked to Jason or even befriended him since he came back. And you know Damian. I don't really have to explain that one" he replied. "Haven't you tried?" Faith asked. "Well uh....no?" Was all he said. Faith looked at me and whispered "we should try and get this family back together." I smiled at her response and whispered back "I'll talk to Bruce and you talk to Jason. Get the both of them to make up and the rest will just follow" we did a high five and Tim was just staring at us confused. "I hope whatever the two of you are planning will work" he said while making himself coffee.

Alfred came and smiled when he saw the three of us already here having a conversation. "Good morning to the three of you. I see you three are ready for the day" he stated. "Good morning Alfred" we said in unison. He then started preparing the ingredients for what breakfast we'll be having. "Alfred?" Faith asked. "Yes?" He replied while cracking the eggs. "Have you seen Jason?" She replied. "Master Jason is blowing off some steam out in the garden as he has gotten into an argument with master Bruce." He simply replied while pouring in flour. She got off the chair and tapped Tim's arm and simply said "I'll be right back" and winked. With that she left to talk to Jason. "Where's Bruce?" I then asked. "Ah I see what you're doing" Tim said facing me. I smirked and said "trust me on this one". "He's in his office." Alfred replied while whisking the batter.

I got out of my seat and wandered through the halls finding his office. I then bumped into Dick who is now dressed for the day. "Hey kiddo" he greeted me cheerfully. "Hey dickiebird" I greeted him back with a smile. "Jason taught you that huh?" He asked. I chuckled and said yes. See, before Dick showed up at Faith's room two nights ago, Jason mentioned all of his nicknames for Dick and told us we could use them
"you're up early" he said in amusement. "Ready for school?" He added. "I don't really know actually." I replied. "Well if anyone bothers you you'll always have us okay? Tell that to Faith and Nanu as well" he said sweetly ruffling my hair. "I will" I smiled. "So what brings you here in the halls?" He asked. "Well I'm going to talk to Bruce about something." "And that something would be?" "Secret" I said smiling at him in a kind of mocking way.

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