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Nanu's pov


I heard someone scream. I couldn't decipher who it was since the voice isn't as clear. I could hear a beep ringing through my ear, all their voices either muffled or echoed.

"Hold on buddy okay?"

There it goes again. But this time, more of a male voice than a female voice. I could also feel him run his fingers through my hair. More like for reassurance that everything will be okay but i dont know if it's for me or if it's for him or them. Whoever they are.

"Look Hil's finger is moving"

Said another.

My body is like in all sorts of pain no one could even string the words to describe it. I badly wanted to open my eyes but i couldn't. It's like i have been out for days, if not, weeks. It's such an awful feeling. Wanting to move but you're to weak to even open your eyes.

After a minute of struggling to flutter my eyes open, a flash of light quickly greeted me. Great now I'm blind. I thought. Slowly opening my eyes again, my vision was starting to get clearer. From bright white light to a blurry sight to seeing everything a bit clearly. Seems like I'm in a hospital. But why am I in a hospital? Why can't I remember anything? And then it hit me. I don't know whether or not to believe what my brain was showing me, some of them felt like real moments and some of them felt like a fever dream.

It kept showing me "memories" of being with some of the coolest and my favourite comic characters. But how is that possible? They're fictional? What kind of dream is this. Who are these two girls with me? Everything was so clear to me though, vision wise, but memory wise? No.

Hil's pov


I heard someone scream, seems to be someone around my age but I can't really judge someone based on their voice now can i? I could hear talking around me but they're voices aren't clear. Either muffled or echoed, it's like waking up from being in a coma. But then again, as far as I can remember, i have never been in a coma before. UGH what is that beeping in my ear am i deaf now???? I have so many questions.

"Hold on buddy okay?"

Who was that? Why do i feel him or her or them or whoever they are, i could feel they're fingers running through my hair.

I feel so weak, tired, helpless and numb. The last thing i can remember is being on a call with Faith. Oh which reminds me i have to call her and tell her about my crazy dream. Haha that was so fun, being with my favourite characters and all and with faith and another girl I couldn't remember the name....Nanu was it? It felt so real.

I tried fluttering my eyes open but it wouldn't budge. Guess i really am too tired. I felt something quite heavy on my finger so i tried to move it upwards. It felt like something I had on when I was in the hospital after the car crash. Am i in a hospital?

As soon as I lifted my finger up a bit, I heard another yell. Not in a scared way but more in a more excited and relief way.

"Look Hil's finger is moving"

Why am I in all sorts of pain? What happened? Did I fell off the bed or something? Even with just a tiny movement I feel so weak. Like that feeling when you're really hungry and you can't move a muscle.

After a couple more tries to open my eyes, which was a mistake because as soon as it did, a bright light flashed before my life, okay maybe not life, just my eyes. It's quite annoying because I keep saying eyes repetitively. Anyway, I thought I'd be blind now because all I saw was white. Very very white. After a while it cleared a little, went from super blurry to being able to distinguish my surroundings.

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