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Faith's pov

I woke up and saw the clock, it was 8 am. I'm squished in the middle of my two sleeping friends. I slowly got out of bed so I wouldn't wake them up. I went to my bathroom and washed my face. I then changed into the new clothes we bought with Barbara yesterday. Last night was fun. I smiled as I remembered everything that happened last night. Sure it was a bit hectic with all the getting to know each other stuffs but this is way nicer than home, if I even considered my foster family's house a home. Maybe I can get a little used to this kind of life I thought.

I then went downstairs for breakfast and saw Bruce sitting at the kitchen island drinking coffee. "Good morning Alfred and Mr. Wayne" I greeted them cheerfully. I wasn't really comfortable calling him Bruce just yet. Alfred greeted me back and handed me my breakfast along with a cup of hot chocolate milk and went back doing whatever he's doing. "Please, just call me Bruce" Bruce stated. I nodded and sat down and started eating breakfast. Boy this family is fancy. "Don't you have work?" I asked him. "I have run a few errands before that. Besides I own that place." He responded. I kind of forgotten about that, no wonder they're like rich rich. "Where's Nanu and Hilary?" He asked. "Still asleep" I shrugged and took a bite of my food and started eating.

"What did you three do last night?" Bruce asked. "Well we decided to sleep in my room to keep each other company so it was fun. We didn't really sleep straight away and since everyone here was either in the cave or out on patrol we decided to use the TV in my room and see what we can watch. We found out that Disney animated movies existed here and binged watched. We watched Tangled, Brave, and Frozen again. Some bits of the stories were different and the voices were a little different from what the movie in our world was like but other than that we enjoyed it. And then Jason arrived I think he just finished patrol and we started exchanging stories more and he told us some stories about his life and stuffs and then a few hours in Dick tagged along then we realized it was really late so they went out of my room and the three of us snuggled to sleep" I told him like I was a kid telling their dad how their day at school went. He smiled at my response and I continued eating my breakfast.

There was a brief silence til Bruce spoke up. "How long were you in the foster care system?" I looked up to face him confused as to why he asked that. Sure we told them where we're from but we kinda left out some details like how our actual life at home was. We never mentioned about me and Hilary both being emotionally abused from the words her aunt and my foster family was telling us. "Oh uh 10 years? If you're wondering how I got a phone and had social media to even be able to meet and become friends with hil, I was put in a nice family for once and they're the ones who gave me my first phone when I was 14" I replied. "What do you mean you were put in a nice home for once" he emphasized the last word. "I would either be ignored the whole time or hear them say hurtful words to me. That's how it went with every family I get fostered in. If you even call that family" I replied. "I'm sorry about that" he managed to answer. "Don't be, at least I got a break from it since I'm here now" I replied shrugging off. I finished my breakfast and my hot chocolate drink. I picked the mug and the plate with spoon on top of it and placed it in the dishwasher.

Hilary's pov

I woke up and half sit up with my elbows supporting me. I looked around and no one is in the room. I thought we agreed to sleep here so we wouldn't wake up in an empty spacious room I sighed at that thought. I properly sat up and stretched my arms. I looked at the clock and it's 8:17 am. They better not had breakfast without me I groaned. The bathroom door opened and saw Nanu already changed out of her jammies (pyjamas) and ready for the day. "And I thought I was the deep sleeper" she chuckled as she walked up to me. She then pulled the duvet that has my legs still covered in and flapped it away from me. "Come on sleepy head. Faith is probably downstairs already" she said in cheerful tone slapping the bed like it's a drum. "Well someone is in a good mood" I manage to say in a sleepy tone. She only chuckled at my response and went to my side and starts pulling my arm making me fall to the ground. "Alright, alright, I'll get ready" I said rubbing my elbow and stood up.

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