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Nanu's pov

Saturday arrived really fast. These past days we were just training non stop with Batman and the team. Right now it is currently four in the afternoon and all of us were just doing our own things. Cass and Steph chit chatting on the couch, Damian if not painting, then training, Tim, Dick and Jason bickering over a video game, Alfred cleaning, Bruce in the batcave and the three of us, on the kitchen island, talking about our training sessions with different individuals.

"I still can't believe I'm going on a mission with the league." Said faith putting her mug down as she took a sip of milk. I don't get how the two of them enjoys drinking plain milk.

"And I can't believe I'll have to try and not get killed by supervillains." Hil stated twirling around on the chair.

"And I can't believe I'll be stuck here in Gotham" I sneered. It was really unfair for the titans. Them going on different places, well unsure where the half of the young justice will end up, while the titans patrol their respective cities.

"Wanna switch?" Hil stopped twirling and faced me. "No, I'm good, besides, I get to hang out with my favourite robin" I smirked. Both of them chuckled. "Why can't they just merge the teams?" Faith questioned. "I think Dick mentioned before that they tried. Only ending up for Damian and Tim trying to murder one another." I replied slightly amused with just remembering the look on Dick's face when I asked about it. Faith then took another sip and so did Hil and now both of them are twirling around non stop.

Dick then called us and gathered around the living room with Bruce and Alfred and the rest of the Wayne siblings...and Steph. "Today's the day!" Dick spoke cheerfully raising his arms up. We all had a confused look on our faces. Dick puts his arms down, now slouching but then quickly straightened up and crossed his arms. "Family day? You know, the one I always try to get a schedule on?" He raised a brow. There was a wave of "ohh"s and other surprised noise imaginable.

"Oh. Well, have fun" said Hil trying not to give away of what I think she's thinking. We still haven't told her about it so she really had no idea. "If Steph can, and has always joined, then you can too" he stated looking at the three of us. I then saw her face lit up and I can tell she was hiding her excitement.

Alfred suggested us to wear something more appropriate for outside rather than just wearing simple house clothing. We all got changed, I was wearing a plain blue t-shirt and denim pants. After what seems like minutes of getting ready to go out, we then walked towards the car, we didn't want to attract any attention so we decided that a mini van would be the best option.

We still waited for Bruce and Alfred to arrive same with Barbara, Kori and Steph. She didn't sleep in the manor last night.

Alfred arrived with keys jingling and Bruce came along minutes after Alfred. Dick told us he'll be using his motorcycle to pick Kori up while barbs and Steph will be going together leaving us with the rest and will meet up at a carnival before going to Chinatown.

We all got in the vehicle, Alfred on the driver's seat with Bruce on the front seat. Jason, Tim, and Damian on the middle row and Cass, Faith, Hil and I on the back. A few minutes on the road and it was quiet for a few minutes until the boys started bickering over who knows what.

"You are incompetent, Drake." Dani growled. "How many times should we go over this?" Tim retorted. "I have to agree with the demon brat" Jason snorted.

"What exactly are you guys fighting about?" I leaned over their seats and rested my elbows on both sides with my hands resting supporting my chin.

"Timbo right here couldn't get to level 58 of this game we were playing." Jason chuckled. Tim was getting impatient from the looks of it and Damian was just smirking. "And bad enough Drake just had to be my teammate." He snarled at Tim. And with that they started fighting again, physically this time. Inside the car. I couldn't tell if Alfred was getting annoyed but he wasn't taking his eyes off the road. From the rear-view mirror, I saw Bruce getting impatient with the boys.

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