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Nanu's pov

"Race ya!" Said Hil as she sprinted jumping from building to building with Cass running behind us and Jason was on his motorcycle on the ground. I smirked and felt competitive so I raced her. We were no on the same roof now jumping from house to house before we reached to what looks like a girl wearing a large floppy hat and a coat. Something's wrong, who would wear something like that? I brushed that thought away as both of us landed quietly on our feet behind the goons that were cornering the lady.

"Where's red hood and orphan?" I whispered. "Their slow, let's do this ourselves, it's just some thugs anyways." She shrugged. I really have a bad feeling about this. Something's terribly wrong. "Hey! Harass someone else or not because it's bad." She chuckled and roundhouse kick the gun that was held by one of the goons.

I then did a jumping spinning kick and hit the other goon in the guts and grabbed my switchblade and sliced his arm as I landed on my feet. He yelped in pain and was about to punch me but I quickly stopped his fist and twisted and grabbed his wrist with both hands and swung him to the brick wall which made him unconscious.

I looked back to see Hilary done beating the heck out of the goon. I searched for red hood and orphan but they still weren't there. I think I heard an explosion near by and soon enough I felt a prick on my neck and everything went black. The last thing I heard was a familiar accent.

Jason's Pov

I was revving my engine as I speed through the streets of Gotham with orphan, Nanu and Hilary jumping from building to building, house to house. I think they were having a race as I glanced to see them speeding up. Orphan jumped down to the back of my motorcycle and quickly wrapped her arms around my waist. "Glad you could join me sis" I yelled. "There's a bomb about to blow off right there" she pointed to a convenience store. I cursed under my breath and quickly went there as fast as I could.

We got there and there were a few people shopping and we had to evacuate them. Cass looked around the store and saw the bomb. I don't think anyone noticed two vigilantes are here. "Everyone out now!" I demanded and pulled my pistol out. "Hood, we don't have time. I can't defuse it, we only have twenty seconds" she announced. "There's a bomb! Stop staring at us and go!" I rushed the people out same with Cass and we all got out of there away from the store and just in time too because soon enough the store exploded.

"Is everyone safe?" I asked the tiny crowd. They all nodded and thanked the both of us and went their own ways. Luckily no one got hurt and we got there just in time. But why was there a bomb in a store in the first place? And that's where it clicked. It was a distraction. Cass seemed to notice too as she was deep in thought.

"How did you know there was a bomb?"

"I saw a guy coming in the store with a bag and left without it."

"Where's N and H?"

I saw her body tensed up and the look of fury in her even through her masked up face. She then run towards an alleyway and I followed her. I wanted to tell slow down but soon enough we were standing in front of an alleyway that has a brick wall covered on the other end with spray paint in green and purple that said "HA HA HA GOTCHA". I didn't even notice my fist clenching. They got them. I brushed that thought aside, I didn't want to think the Joker has them.

"The painting's wet. It's new" Cass said feeling the paint. "They heard a cry for help, they walked in to a trap." She added. I then searched the area and saw blood. I didn't want to think they were from Hil and Nanu. I'm assuming Nanu used her switchblade and that she's fine, they're fine.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" I frustratedly yelled and punched the wall making it crack. "Yes.. no... They got them... On it." Said Cass who has her fingers on her ear speaking to someone from her ear piece.

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