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Hilary's Pov

I woke up and it was still dark. The only thing that's illuminating the room is the night sky shining through the window. I sit up with my elbows supporting me so like a half lay half sitting up. I looked around and it seems like I'm in a bedroom. A big one actually. There were two doors next to another door which probably leads outside. Oh right, batman brought us here I thought to myself. The last thing that I remember was me, faith and nanu in the batmobile. I got out of bed and explored the room. Faith and Nanu wasn't here so I figured they have their own rooms. Wish they woke us up so we could tell them not to separate us. Well I don't think we'll be in danger since we're at the famous wayne manor.

I saw a digital clock on top of a bedside table next to the bed I was on 3:34 am dang, I cant really sleep without waking up in between huh? I looked around a bit and thought this room is really big, I knew the manor has big rooms but i never thought it would be this big "This is like as big as my aunt's house" I said my thought out loud but in a whisper voice. I went to the twi other doors i mentioned earlier. I checked the first door and it was a walk-in closet. "This is as big as my room!" I mumbled.

I checked the next door and saw a bathroom. Is everything in this house this big??? I thought in amazement.
I went outside the room and found a hallway that leads to a staircase. I decided to explore the manor since I'm not really that tired to go back to sleep. I went downstairs and wandered through the halls. I dont really know what I'm looking for so I decided to keep walking.

I arrived infront of a kitchen island, the only place in the whole manor that has its light on. I saw someone sitting in one of the seats of the kitchen island. I wonder who this could be. As I got closer, I saw he was writing something on his notebook and has a cup of coffee besides him.

Tim's Pov

I was working on my unfinished homework with coffee besides me since as you all know I love coffee. I woke up some time ago and decided to finish some of my homework. "Tim?" An unfamiliar voice suddenly popped up. I looked up and saw a girl probably around my age. She has a big bruise on her forehead. She went closer to me and sat beside me. "Uh do I know you?" I asked. She chuckled and replied with "No. But I know you" I was confused with her response. She must've saw the confused look on my face since she started explaining.

"I'm actually not from this world. I was at our house halfway done cleaning the kitchen until this odd blue bright light dragged me in a cell." With that she told me about how she met a few more teenagers and met her internet friend in the cell too. She was laughing on how they had to be dragged in a different dimension for the two of them to meet in real life. She told me about their encounter with harley and joker's thugs. She also explained how they escaped.

"So if i got this right, you and two other girls are going to stay with us until Bruce and the league figure out a way to get you all back home?"
"And back where you're from, we're all just comic book characters?
She nodded in response.
"Did you get that bruise from fighting joker's thugs?" I asked pointing at the bruise she had on her forehead.
"Oh no, i got this when i purposely bang my head on a wall for reality check"

I didnt know what else to say. The silence was broken when we both started chuckling. We started getting to know each other a little bit and our conversation went on for about 15 minutes or so.

"Homework?" She asked pointing at the scattered paper on the counter.
"Yeah" "why, it's a saturday, well sunday now but you couldve done that later" "Well I have other things to do and I like to get things done early" She let out an "oh" we had a few more little conversation here and there until she decided that she wanted to go back to sleep. "Well it was nice meetinh you tim" she said with a smile. "It was nice meeting you too Hilary, I'll see you around". With that she left me and I started finishing these paperworks.

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