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Faith's pov

I was awaken by Hilary frantically shaking me. I groaned as I didn't want to get up, it's probably way too early. "Faith" her voice trembling. I fluttered my eyes open to see the sun shining through the blinds, guess it wasn't too early. I sat up and saw tears running down her cheeck. I brushed her hair with my hand trying to calm her down. Cass was still asleep. "I ca- don't want to wake Cass up, so I- just read." She stuttered and gave me a piece of paper.

I unfolded the paper and saw it was a note. It reads:

Dear whoever is reading this,

Talia Al Ghul, Dami's mother, is blackmailing me. Don't go searching for me. I love you all.

-Nanu Aldea.

My eyes widened as I finished reading. Damian's mother? I think I can vaguely remember them telling me about her, it was more on Damian's childhood they have filled me in. But never his mother. Neither does Damian wanted to speak about her.

Setting down the note as I faced my panicking friend, I leaned over to see Cassandra's back facing us as she sleeps before facing Hilary again. I couldn't manage to say anything so I crawled over to where Cass is and frantically shaked her.

She quickly sat up, hands in fighting stance, ready to beat the life out of whoever woke her up, which was me. Cass calmed down when she realized it was just me. She sighed in relief and yawned and stretched her arms. "Why?" She tiredly asked.

"Nanu. Damian's mother. Blackmail. Uh here she left a note" I blurted out and gave her the note. She tensed up and quickly got out of bed rushing out the room. I then followed her and stopped right at the doorframe and looked over my shoulder to see Hil still sat in bed, tears flowing on her cheek. I ran towards her and grabbed her arm forcing her to stand up. Once stood, we both rushed downstairs not knowing where Cass went.

We found ourselves at the dinner area where Cass was standing behind Bruce who's sitting down with his nearly finished breakfast in front of him reading the piece of paper I handed to Cass. Jason, Tim, Damian and Dick were all leaning over to read the note. "Oh dear" Alfred spoke. glancing at the note as he walked in. "Why, I'm sure she has a valid reason as to why she left. Miss Nanu is a very brave girl, I'm sure she can handle herself" he said nonchalantly.

"How can you say that?!" I yelled. "She's out there with Damian's horrible mother at who knows where!!" I growled slamming both hands on the table causing the crockery to have involuntary movement.

I couldn't help but feel a lump on my throat as I tried pulling myself together not wanting to cry. Alfred furrowed his brows and leaned over the table facing me while the others were just watching the whole thing.

"Miss Nanu has indirectly bid goodbye to us last night. She knows what she's doing and I know her better than anyone in this room. She would tell me all the things she hasn't told anyone. Not even to the two of you" he pointed at me and Hilary who's been standing beside me this whole time, holding my shoulders from behind as an attempt to calm me down. "I know we're all worried about her but trust me when I say she knows what she's doing." His scolding tone turned in to a calm one and walked away and stopping in his trance before turning to the kitchen.

"I suggest Miss Cassandra, Miss Faith and Miss Hilary to get sit down now as I will now serve your breakfast." Alfred stated as if nothing happened and entered the kitchen. Dick stood up and stand between Hil and I, giving us a side hug. I didn't even realized tears started to fall down when Alfred was talking to me. I quickly wiped the tears away as Dick pulled the both of us closer to him. "It's going to be okay, we'll find her" he said rubbing our shoulders kissing both our foreheads still in his side hug.

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