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Damian's pov

I woke up to five girls squishing me. I was alert and tensed up until I realized I slept in William's room with Cain, Brown, Garcia, Williams, and Aldea. Aldea's arm still wrapped around me. The first time I willingly accepted a hug. Aside from Grayson and Pennyworth, I never felt welcome in this place. Knowing Father didn't want anything to do with me. He was contended with Drake and for that I see him as my rival. Not just Drake of course but him for the most part.

When Aldea asked if I had a nightmare I stood quiet. I wasn't having a bad dream. I was contemplating with these emotions I cannot understand I've had to dealt with privately the past few days.

It was still early in the morning just in time to go training. I slowly lifted Aldea's arm and got out of bed careful not to wake any of them up. My skills as an assassin helped with that. I head straight to the training room and started wielding my katana.

A few moments after I started training I saw Cain standing as she watched me train. I stopped and faced her. "Cain." I stated. "Damian." She greeted. "Why are you here?" I asked. Again I sounded like I didn't want her to be here. I don't know why I'm like that but I'm trying my best to forget everything I've learned from the league. Trying not to think I'm superior.

"I wanted to see how you're doing. I also wanted to help with the mission and I miss home." She replied. We both sat down on the ground and talked. "You're sad." She said. How did she- "huh?"

"You're sad about something. What is it?"

"I'm not."

"I hope you did not forget that I can still read body languages."

Right. Of course, she's like pennyworth. Should I tell her what's bothering me? I mean I was only ever open to Aldea.

"What is this feeling Cain? The first time I got here, Father was so cold and distant. Grayson was welcoming and so is Pennyworth. Todd wasn't in good terms with everyone yet and Drake was befriending me but I pushed him away. Tried to obliterate him once or twice. I thought I was making progress with father but it turns out it only lasted for a few months. I was sent to the Titans to learn how to work in teams and yet he was still very distant almost like I still did not gain his trust. A few weeks later the three came along and they were welcomed. I felt them as a threat but it wasn't long. It only took a few days for me to trust them. Especially Aldea. Am I being weak now Cain?" I ranted. I was hesitant to tell her but looks like my mouth couldn't shut up.

When father asked if he was a bad parent I wanted to say everything. How he sort of neglected me running away from another one of his responsibilities. Or at least that's how I see it. I wanted to run away but the three came along so I had to stick around to see if they were worthy or not.

"Damian, I know we don't see each other often as ourselves and not orphan and robin when in a few missions I was in. I'm sorry you felt that way but rest assured that Bruce loves you. Do you see me as your rival too?" She asked

"No. For some reason I feel like I could trust you. Perhaps the similarities of our backgrounds helped."

"Damian you're not weak. That's what we call feelings. It makes you human. Not that you aren't already but those our guilt for how you acted when you first arrived and you trusting them quickly is not a sign of weakness."

"Do you see them as your friends? Or just an acquaintance?" She added.

"It's different Cain. It's like how I felt when you were still here before you left to China."

"You see them as your sisters?"

"I never said I see you as my sister?"

"You didn't have to. I can read it when you were around me and now."

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