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Nanu's pov

Laying on the 'bed' of my dimly lit chamber, fully exhausted from all the training I've been doing. All day all night, this is the only time I finally get to rest. This hard wooden plank just makes my back hurt more. It was aching so bad I feel like I just need to crack it. But I can't stand up, I'm being controlled. Even if I wanted to I just can't. I don't know how to explain properly but every time I try to move my arm, it just won't.

At least I have muscle memory, once I'm freed from this, I'll be more skilled than Faith and Hil. It was sickening to call Talia 'mother' without having the ability to do anything about it. Every move and every word isn't from me. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I just fought her back when we first met or if I just asked for help rather than keeping it to myself.

I suddenly heard the door creak open. I couldn't turn my head to see who it was so all I could do is stare at the ceiling. "Nanu?" I heard familiar voice whisper my name. "Nanu!" I hear them softly exclaimed. Why was it so familiar, whose voice was that? Soon I saw my favourite vigilante at the end of the bed standing before me. Observing. I wanted to leap out and hug him, I wanted to scream for help. But all I could do was just lay there, forcefully obeying Talia's commands.

"Nanu let's go" he demanded. Oh Dami, I've missed you but I can't even do or say anything at my own will. If only Raven or maybe M'gann was here, they could help communicate with Damian through a mindlink. Robin started pulling my arm, forcing me to come with him. I felt my body move on its own again.

One thing I realized is he didn't call me by my surname.

I swiftly ran on the wall making a turn and swung my leg around Robin's shoulders causing him to gasp as my leg wrapped around him. I'm so sorry. Once my my left leg was on the ground, my right leg lets go of him, quickly grabbing him in to an embrace, his back on my chest as I wrapped my left arm around him. Everything went so fast. I then pulled out a pocketknife, flipping it open. Holding Robin close to me, positioning the knife on his throat way too close.

"One wrong move and you'll perish." I whispered. "What is going on?" Robin asked as he swiftly pushed my arms up and started kicking me. His every kicks I managed to avoid and block. From a few feets away from him I started charging at him. Running towards him I did a jumping turning side kick and successfully kicked his chest making him hit the wall behind him. He started swinging his sword out started attacking me with it. Thanks to the restless training I had with the league of assassins, I managed to avoid every hit.

From the shadows I climbed to one of the pillars and swung my body around making my way towards Robin. I landed atop of him, pinning him on the ground. I grabbed his katana from his grip and stabbed it on the floor next to his head. That move made me scared. I was in no control and killing Damian was the last thing I wanted.

"Aldea get off me this instant!!" He gritted out. I felt my head turning towards the door. "Mother we have been compromised!" oh not this again.

"Mother?" Robin questioned. Talia then entered the room and stood in front of us. "You've done well my child. Release him."

I stood up, releasing Robin. Robin stood up and brushed invisible dirt off his suit. He then glared at me before glaring at Talia. "What is the meaning of this?" He hissed.

"What's with the aggression? Did I do something wrong?" Talia's seductive voice clearly annoying the life out of Damian.

"I do not know mother. Did you?" Robin deadpanned stated, clearly wanting to say more than just that.

Talia snickered and led us both to a different room. She then took out chairs, placing it in the middle of the room. "Sit." She said making me sit down on one of the seats. "You chemically subjugated her didn't you?"

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