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Hilary's pov

As we went in Bruce's office I sat down on one of the chairs and Bruce sat down behind his desk. I assume this will be the talk he mentioned earlier.

"Why haven't you told me about it?" Bruce asked. "It?" I asked trying to change the subject but failed. "You know what I mean." He replied and I pursed my lips. I then started explaining the whole thing that happened from the bullying to getting ice cream with Jason. "He charged it on- you know what nevermind." He replied to when I told him Jason payed for the ice creams by charging it on him. "I know what happened but why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Should I? You seemed to be occupied with everything that has to do with the league, your company, and this whole mind control thing. I didn't want to bother you with anything else. And I'm not really the type of person who'd be so open. I don't even tell my adoptive parents everything when they were alive." I replied. Bruce sighed and looked at me concerned trying to find the right words to say. "You treat this like an investigation." I mumbled annoyed.

Bruce was just quiet and it was getting awkward. "I'll talk to the principal and have you change classes. I'll tell them to put you in Tim's classes." Bruce finally spoke up. "You're not good at this." I mumbled. "Excuse me?" He asked. "I appreciate your help. Thanks Bruce" I said trying to change the subject. "You're welcome but what did you say?" I sighed knowing he won't leave me alone without getting an answer.

"You're not good at confronting people. You know this whole school thing.... like a parent tryna get their child to open up." I mentally face palmed as soon as I said that why did I even tell him that ugh. "Can I be excused now? It's getting late and I'm tired." I said trying to brush off what I said earlier. He nodded and I left his office. I really shouldn't have said that he was just straight up asking why I never told anyone about the whole thing. I'll tell when I'm ready not when I'm forced to dang this is complicated.

Faith's pov

"Speaking of Cass, mind opening the window?" Steph asked. Me and Nanu looked at each other confused. "Nevermind just stay here and I'll get it." Steph said getting off the bed and walking towards my window and started to open it. Then a girl who's a little smaller than Steph with short black hair came in the window. "OMG YOU'RE CASSANDRA CAIN" Said Nanu fangirling over this woman. And then it hit me. She's Cass. "Hey I would've came in the front door but I wanted to surprise everybody" Cass stated. Steph closed the window and they both walked back and sat on the bed with us.

"I'm Faith and this is Nanu." I smiled greeting her introducing my fangirling friend. "Oh hil's gonna love this." Nanu said and as on cue Hilary entered the room. "Gonna love what?" She asked closing the door behind her. "Who's that? Is she- oh. ohhhhh wait are you Cassandra Cain?" She said clearly hiding her excitement. "She came in through the window." I chuckled as she sat beside me. "Why?" She asked. "I wanted to surprise everyone. I won't show up until tomorrow so I'm gonna have to hide in here." Cass replied.

"Woah you can talk." Said Hil. And I'm confused. Cass chuckled and responded with "took me a while but yes. I can talk. You must be the girls Dick won't shut up about. He's been spamming my text messages since the day you three arrived." Hilary, Steph and Nanu then explained the whole thing and told me about Cassandra and why she never knew how to talk, read or write. This dimension is messed up.

"So you're older than Steph?" I asked. "Yes I'm about the same age as Jason." Cassandra replied. Steph is tall. "Dick mentioned they're in good terms now and Jason is back living here correct?" She asked. The four of us nodded in response. "Yeah but I don't think Bruce agrees on the Red Hood ways." Steph spoke up. Cass just nodded in a way of saying "ah I see." "So Cass why are you here? Not to be rude or anything." Nanu asked. "I came as soon as I heard about the whole situation. I came to stay for a little while and help with case. But I'm not about to show up as orphan just about now so I won't be showing up at patrol." Cass stated.

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