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Nanu's pov

We got in the limo and buckled our seatbelts. The five of us were just sitting down quietly as Alfred started driving. The silence was broken when Faith spoke. "So...school" she nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. What an attempt for conversation. "You'll be fine. You have us. They can't mess with us or they'll be faced by an angry Bruce Wayne." Tim stated. "What have you and Father talked about?" Damian looked at Hilary changing the subject.

"Oh uh well so me, Faith and Tim saw the whole argument between the two of them and Faith and I decided to patch things up for them. You know, trying to make Dick's life easier" she replied. "If Grayson couldn't get them to work things out, I highly doubt the two of you could in just one day." Damian replied. "Well yeah but the talking part work. The process of them making up will be a long one but I'm sure they'll make up" Faith stated. "So you have you?" Hil chuckled. We all looked at her confused. "Get it? Cause her name is Faith and she has faith so she has herself" she laughed slightly at what she said.

We then started laughing with her for a short while. "Wait did they actually listen to the both of you?" Tim asked. "Well, yeah." Hil stated. "Why? Don't they listen to Dick when he's trying?" I asked. "No. Whenever Dick tries to talk to them about that situation they'll always brush him off" he replied. "Well this time it was different since we basically just went straight to the point and not asking them to talk to each other forcefully" Hil stated. "So what exactly did the two of you talked about with them?" I asked. "Like Hil said, straight to the point. We had a heart to heart talk?" She said unsure if the last sentence was the right choice of words. Since the two got to talk to Jason and Bruce, Damian and Tim will sure be needing some talks too because I have a feeling they'll be needing it for whatever change will happen in the Manor. But I'll do that later.

"We have arrived." Alfred spoke up. We got out of the limo and saw students looking at us and whispering. "Don't worry about them" was all Tim said. Faith Hil, and I looked at each other and took a deep breath. We waved goodbye to Alfred and started walking up the steps to the gate. "So this is it huh?" Hil asked. "Hil, you'll be fine." I looked at her with reassurance as we enter the building and is now walking in the hallways. "If any of them bothers any of you, you know where to find me." Damian said and with that he we quickly went to his classroom. "But the bell hasnt rung yet did it?" Hil asked. "He likes to be early" Tim replied. Tim led us to the guidance counselor's office. We still have 30 minutes before the bell rings so we have plenty of time to tour around.

Faith's pov.

We entered the office with Tim still with us and the counselor greeted us. "What can I help you with?" He said with a smile. "Could we please have a copy of our schedules for the whole semester?" Nanu asked politely. "Ah yes. I'm assuming you three are the late enrollees Mr. Wayne has enrolled." The counselor said while getting our schedules. "Are you their new sibling? Has he adopted three this time?" He asked slightly laughing. "Oh no, we're just uh" "his wards for now." Tim cuts Nanu off. "Ah I see" was all the counselor said. "Which one of you is Garcia, Williams and Aldea?" He asked.

The three of us told him who is who and he handed us our schedules. "Not to be rude, but what happened with that?" He said pointing to Hilary's slightly visible bruise on her forehead. "Oh uh I was clumsy and my head hit the ground?" Hil said rubbing the back of her neck. She couldn't really tell it was from her purposely hitting her head for reality check since we're from a different dimension.

We then went out of his office and is now headed to the lockers so we could take a closer look of our schedules. We arrived at the locker area and saw Tim went up to someone. "Jaime!" He yelled running towards his friend I assume. We then got closer to them and he introduced us. "Jaime this is Nanu, Faith, And Hilary" he said motioning who is who. "And this is Jaime" he said motioning to his friend.

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