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Hilary's pov

The car ride to Chinatown was of course, another mess. Jason, Tim, and Damian along with Nanu somehow got in to another bickering. It was honestly chaos inside the vehicle and I don't really know how they got to that point. If it wasn't for Cass blowing that whistle of hers. Bruce staring daggers at them through the rear-view mirror and Alfred tightening his grip on the wheel. Me? I was just enjoying the scene, from outside and inside. Watching them bicker was pretty entertaining.

We arrived to where the sky lantern festival was being held, still in the vehicle while Alfred is trying to find a spot for it to park. Once parked, we all got out of the vehicle and went to this open field. There were a lot of people scattered around the perimeter, all holding a sky lantern. Some were sitting and or is laying down the green grass, some on picnic blankets. Kids running around, some playing tag.

I looked in awe as the sun sets on the horizon. Seeing silhouettes of people passing by, families together doing their things, all sorts of bonding from different person. Dick and Kori then arrived and minutes after their arrival, Steph, Barbara, and Faith came along. They were holding sky lanterns in a basket that seemingly is enough for each one of us. Steph sets a picnic blanket on the ground and we all settled in, sitting crossed legs.

"This is nice" I said closing my eyes as I feel the grass since I leaned back with my hands holding me up. They hummed in response and nodded their heads singly. Alfred pulls out his camera and started filming. A bunch of soft laughters and playful nudging was captured in the frame. "Oh before anything else, here" said dick handing out a sky lantern one by one.

We started scribbling around the lantern with some pens and crayons that came with the basket they were carrying earlier. Having a little conversation here and there while designing our lanterns. Faith and I tried to recreate the sun design on tangled. We did good.

I won't be going in to detailed information about our conversations but it was just small talks here and there while scribbling. Teasing, nudging, jokes and soft laughters were present in the scene. As I watched them laugh and having fun I couldn't help but smile at them and thought I am home.

As it gets darker, it was time to set the lanterns flying. We lit them up and released them in the air. We all had an amazed look on our faces. Fascinated by them as they ascend in the air.

Faith's pov

Sky lanterns ascends and everything looked magical, phenomenal, breathtaking and other words you can describe it. It's just so beautiful. Everyone was looking at the sky lanterns as they ascend. It's the epitome of a wondrous sensation.

I started humming the tune of "I see the light" from Disney's Tangled. Hil rested her head on my left shoulder and started humming along. Nanu on my right shoulder, head also rested and together we hummed. The next thing I knew everyone sat close to us, trapping us in a group cuddle as we hummed and looked up at the marvelous view of the lanterns in the sky.

"And at last I see the light" Sang Dick as we hummed the chorus. Nanu looked up at him.
"And it's like the fog has lifted" Nanu softly chuckled as she sang.
"And at last I see the light" I joined in.
"And it's like the sky is new" Hil lifted her head from my shoulder and joined.
"And it's warm and real and bright" Cass, Steph and Barbara sang along.
"And the world has somehow shifted." I looked to see who it was and to my surprise, Tim and Jason joined our little choir.
"All at once" Bruce surprisingly sang along, everyone now looking at him. He softly chuckled and we continued singing.
"Everything looks different" Kori and Damian joined.
"Now that I see you" we all minus Alfred, sang in unison.

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