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Nanu's pov

"Argh! Watch it!" I yelled as one of my friends hit me with a bo staff. See, right now we're training in the batcave with Bruce's great idea was for us to spar blindfolded. How the heck is this gonna work? "Sorry!" I heard Faith yelled back. "I can't see you!" She added. Hilary snickered and said "yeah no kidding". We continued trying to avoid each other's attacks but was failing miserably.

"In battle, anything could be taken from you." Bruce stated. "Your hands,..." as he said that I could feel him grabbing my hands in a position that locked me in a state where I can't move making me drop the Bo staff I was holding. He then lets go of me and I removed the blindfold from me and started rubbing my right arm. "...your feet,.." he continued as he swayed a katana to Hilary's face but avoided it and stick the sword in between her feet. She then removed her blindfold and looked at how near the sword was. "Your eyes" he finished his sentence as he positioned his other sword close to Faith's face. She then felt the blade with her hands and removed her blindfold.

"So be ready." He added. "This is hopeless" Hil complained. "Why can't we just talk it out with the bad guys?" She asked. "Because the bad guys won't listen and even if they do, how sure are you that they'll listen?" Bruce said sternly. She took a step back and sighed. Bruce puts his two fingers next to his ear. "Report." He demanded. "Go back to the cave. I'll handle it."

"What was that?" I asked getting a towel to wipe my face. "Spoiler was with Red Robin and got captured by the riddler. As much as he hates to admit, his words not mine, he didn't know what to do or where she is." He replied as he wore his cowl. "Let's call it a night for now. Go rest" he demanded and went off with his batmobile leaving the three of us. "Hope Steph's okay" faith said worriedly. "She will be don't worry. If anything, they'll come home in one piece." I tried easing her worries and it worked. "I'm taking a shower." She stated as she went to the shower room of the cave. Faith and I followed and quickly took a shower, separate cubicles of course.

"Bruce is a different person when he's in that suit" shouted Faith from her cubicle. "He's even different when he's Bruce Wayne like when in front of the media and stuffs." Yelled Hilary as the water from the shower hits the tiles. "Well get used to it. He's only really himself when he's in the manor or when he's with the people who actually knows him." I replied. After a few minutes we got out of shower and got dressed for the evening. We stuck around the cave not really wanting to go sleep yet. So we waited for the others to come back or Tim at least.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked looking at Faith.

"Maybe we or I for this matter, should study villains. You can tell me what you know about them. I'm gonna have to know my opponent anyways."

"Sure" I told patting her back and we then began to ask Alfred if we can access anything on the villains. He gave us a very thick book and access to the batcomputer for the files but only that. A few moments in to our studying and with me telling Faith what I know since she wasn't entirely in the mood to read but still looking at their pictures. Nightwing, Orphan, Red Hood came back. "Where are the others?" I asked. "How's Steph?" Faith asked as she looked up from the book.

"No idea" Jason responded removing his helmet. "She's fine." All Cass said. "They should be back after thirty minutes." Dick responded peeling his domino mask off. They then saw that we were studying villains so they sticked around waiting for the others to come back, sharing information to both Faith and I with villains both we're not familiar with.

Hilary's pov

"This is getting boring, call me when they arrive k?" I asked my two friends as I walked towards the elevator. "Where are you going?" Nanu asked. "Somewhere around the manor."

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