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Damian's pov

Currently five in the morning and of course I am at the training room. Panting from slicing dummies over and over. I then sensed someone was watching me so I tensed up and got alerted. I looked around to see a figure hiding in the shadows. "Show yourself" I demanded. The figure walked out of the shadows and started to calm down when I saw Pennyworth. "Good morning Master Damian." He greeted handing me a card. I looked at him confused and he smiled. "Happy birthday" he said and hugged me.

He then reminded me that breakfast will be served in three minutes and walked off. I was about to read the card he gave me when Aldea ran towards me and squeezed me. "Happy birthday to my favourite robin!" She exclaimed still not letting me go. "You can let go now" I grunted trying to get out of her grip. "No can do birthday boy" she grinned. She finally let's go of me and I brushed my clothes off. "Am I really your favourite robin?"

"Yes now don't tell anyone." She chuckled. "We should get going, can't wait to see what's for breakfast." She said as she puts an arm around my shoulders and ruffled my hair. Usually I'd hit anyone who even dares to touch me. As a front to hide the fact that I am actually affection deprived. I was taught not to show any signs of emotions. What's the point of hiding it now? I'm not in the league anymore right? Maybe a change won't be so bad.

We got to the dining table and Cain, Garcia, Todd, Drake, Williams, and Grayson were already there. "Let me guess. Father won't be joining us?" I said as I sat down and Aldea beside me. What should I expect. He didn't show up my past birthdays not just because he didn't know I existed yet, the last two years he's always making excuses, I guess I'm the one to blame. I told them I never wanted to celebrate it, that it was a waste of time. I didn't actually mean that, I was secretly hoping they would insist. Pennyworth was always the one celebrating it with me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I see who it was, it was father. I tried hiding my excitement as much as possible but a small smile escaped. "Not today Damian." He smiled looking down at me. "Happy Birthday demon spawn!" Todd and Drake exclaimed. "Happy birthday Damian!" Cain, Williams, and Garcia greeted. "This is a waste of time" there I go again. I'm hoping this time would be different. Again, it's all a facade. To keep my image intact. I don't plan on freely expressing my emotions anytime soon unlike Grayson.

"Oh no, you're going to celebrate it wether you like it or not" Williams stated. "Faith he obviously wanted to celebrate it? It's just a front" Aldea replied which made me hit her in the shoulders with my elbow. "Ow! You have a pointy elbow" she mocked. There was a brief silence surrounding the room until Aldea started laughing and soon all of them joined her. I eventually joined them too.

After breakfast father ordered me to change in to decent clothing and we went for a walk to Gotham woods. He said we were going on a hike. We were at the top and you can see the whole of Gotham. "Dad and I used to go up here every year, leaving stones with our initials making it pile up" he said as he pointed at piled up rocks. "I took Dick, Jason, and Tim here once or twice too. We recreated the rocks thing, you can see it right next Dad's and I." He added. I crouched to see the initials. There you can see my brother's initials along with father's and father's initials along with his father. He then gave me a rock and a something to carve it with. "History repeats itself" I smirked.

Faith's pov

"Hurry up replacement" said Jason as he puts the other end of the banner at the left so of the ceiling from the kitchen island. "Yeah yeah stop rushing me" said Tim. "Why do you call him replacement again?" I asked looking up from the two who's standing on the counter. "Because he took the robin mantle when I you know, died." Jason replied. "Well Batman needed a Robin." He retorted. "But if you think about it... You're all just Dick's replacement" I remarked. The two of them finished putting up the banner and looked down at me.

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