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Faith's pov

We were in the limo discussing what could have happened to Damian until a wave of thoughts appeared in my head. I quickly changed the subject so their minds won't be so stuck up on whatever happened to the kid since I know Tim and dami can handle it. I have me in them hehe get it Faith, ugh Hil really did an impact on that.

"Why is Damian fighting crime at 10? Why are there minors fighting crime at all? Can't they just leave it to the police? Why does supervillains exist?" They all stopped to look at me.

"What do you mean?" Steph asked. "Damian, he's 12 isn't he? He's supposed to be playing outdoors or whatever kids do."

"Oh Faith, oh sweet, innocent, Faith" Nanu said grabbing me in to a head lock petting my hair like I was a cat. "It's just how it is here Faith. Their motives are either to rob a bank or take over the world. Even in our world there are people like that but it's so mundane no one even notices it. Disguised as politicians. Mainly the government. Except they aren't metahumans and aliens, vigilantes and all the other craziness happening here doesn't happen in our world." Stated Nanu releasing me.

"What's Bruce's status with Damian? He seems to be a bit distant from his own child" I asked changing the topic.

"All I know is Bruce doesn't trust him since he was raised to kill." Hil replied.

"Bruce did try to get close to Damian but he was at that time too prideful and acted like a spoiled brat" Steph chimed in.

"It's different now though, I can tell he has changed. The talks I had with him helped." Nanu remarked.

"Not only is this dimension so messed up, but this family is too dysfunctional. They're all repressing their emotions." I finally lost it and rambled.

"Agreed." They all said in unison. Heck even Alfred chimed in. "I agree with you Miss Faith, but know that no matter how dysfunctional as you may say this family is, I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

"Don't worry about Damian too much Faith. We all are trying to give him a normal childhood." Steph spoke up

"You call all this normal?" I asked raising a brow.

"In this world yes." Nanu replied. And with that I have made a promise to myself. I am going to give this kid a childhood he deserved. He wen through so much I couldn't even imagine. Nanu and Hil mentioned he was already climbing mountains when he was four. That's insane! What kind of parent are they to rob their child's childhood? As normal as possible I will teach him ways he was never taught.

We've arrived back in the Manor and we all quickly went up to our rooms and got changed in to our civilian clothes. Since we didn't have homework we can basically do whatever we want for the rest of the day. I quickly went to hil's room to see if she was there or not. Without knocking I let myself in and a pillow flew over hitting my face.

"Sorry thought you were Nanu" she said holding up a peace sign. "Why in the world would you think that? And what was that for?"

"Nanu doesn't knock so I assumed you were her and she did that to me when I went to her room so it was for revenge" she smirked. I shaked my head and grabbed the pillow that was on the floor and threw it at her. "Oh so that's how it is huh?" Hil said as he picked up the pillow.

"No. Not now please don't throw another one, let's go bother Nanu and then we can go downstairs." I suggested. "Sure hold on" she replied and fixed her bed. After that we went to nanu's room and to our surprise she wasn't there. We then went downstairs and found her talking with Dick, Cass, Steph, and Jason.

"oh hey" greeted Dick. "Took you both long enough to get here." Nanu chimed in as we walked towards them. They were all gathered in the living room sitting on the couch. Dick was sat next to Jason who's next to Cass with Steph and Nanu facing them sitting on the couch opposite to them. I rolled my eyes at that comment and sat beside Steph.

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