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Later chapters Roy will be mentioned. Here he won't be cloned by Cadmus.


Not gonna put Bruce or Alfred or any of the JL's ages because that's too complicated.

Dick- 22
Jason- 19
Cass - 18
Steph - 16 turning 17
Tim- 16
Damian- 12 turning 13

The rest of the teen titans except Kori is around 14-15 cyborg however is 19

The young justice members should be around 15-20 something yknow with Artemis, Wally being the same age as Dick. Except for Conner ofc.

Roy - 23
Barbara- 24

My original characters ages are around 14-17

As said in the description, Cassandra was adopted by Bruce when she was eight meaning she grew up with the batbrothers.

Sorry in advance if some of them gets a little out of character. Also sorry for like idk if you don't like it or smt, just so you know, I'd highly appreciate it if you won't like comment negative things, thanks.

Yeah so enjoy.

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