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Nanu's pov

We took a little break from training and everyone is scattered around the tower. I'm happy to be here with my friends and stuffs but Terra still bothers me. Erwin and I agreed to interrogate her. As if she'd actually say something. So we decided to bring raven in. The rest were just having a conversation, well Damian was until we took raven and all that.

"Rachel or raven?" Still unclear whether to call her by her name or by her codename. "However you wish to call me." She simply replied. Yeah because that helps, I'm fricking indecisive.

I nudged Erwin in a way of telling him that he should ask her and not me. He furrowed his brows and gave me the most unimpressed look. "Alright. Raven, have you been sensing any bad vibes from Terra?" He whispered the last word. Raven puts on her hood and leads us behind the tower to some sort of woods where she usually meditates.

"To answer your question. Yes, I do. I've been meaning to ask at least one of you if you knew anything about her" she said pulling her hood off.

"Right. So, in comics, movies, and shows. Terra is a traitor. She works with Slade but eventually turned away after Slade betrays her."

"But everytime she helps the team, she always ends up dead."

"Although in young justice, she didn't end up dead. She destroyed her earpiece and officially turned away from deathstroke." Erwin and I took turns on finishing sentences.

"Oh and is Terra royalty? Or like does she have any connections to Geo-force? Brione Markov? The dude on the other team? The crazy in love with halo?" I continuously asked her making her raise a brow in either of confusion or annoyance.

"Tara Markov yes. Illegitimate child of the king of Markovia. She, however does not have a close relationship with her parents or with her brother."

This has me pursed my lips. Her background isn't the same from what I know, well it is somehow the same.

"Was she kicked out or something?" Erwin asked.

"When her parents found out about her powers, she was thrown away from their kingdom. Brione on the other hand was experimented by his uncle."

Well this gotten complicated. The three of us started discussing on how we'll get terra to admit that she's a double-agent without her realising it. It could really be helpful, she might even know what plans the injustice have. Not long after that our break was over and we all head back to the training area.

Hilary's pov

Bruce and I agreed that if I couldn't handle this whole vigilante thing, I should step down. But for the mean time, I still would like to join and be prepared in battle. He also seemed to be less broody when we talked. Which makes me wonder if I said anything stupid last night or not.

"You know, you'll bet the Kryptonians if you keep staring in to that wall til it melts" I looked up from where I was unintentionally staring to see Bart beside me. I rolled my eyes to that comment and let out a small chuckle. "Sorry I was just deep in thought" I looked back down to the ground.

"Ah I see."

"Yeah, I...tend to do that a lot."

"Oh. Why don't you go join the others? They're having a fun game of 'try not to get killed in sparring' " he chuckled.

I looked up to face him and gave him stoic look. Then a thought suddenly hits me. I remember having a conversation with the speedster about Wally. He mentioned he quitted with Artemis to focus on their studies and to live a somewhat normal life. If Artemis is back here for a mission, then that just means Wally is alive and Kaldur'ahm is currently a double agent, putting up a front that he's working with his father but is really helping the Justice League.

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