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3rd pov

Two days have passed since the gala and multiple articles surrounding the Queen and Wayne family. Mostly about rumors and mostly about their companies. All in all it was a mess. Nevertheless, they managed to ignore that and focused on what's important. Stopping the injustice league. It was already a bad sign that it was too peaceful in different cities in the country. Not that it wasn't good bit it's just too peaceful.

Minimal robberies happening here and there but that's it. It would've been a good sign if the villains didn't escape a week ago and was all in their rightful cells but no. Instead they were worrying about whatever they have planned. Clark told the team that maybe the villains are doing them a favour and help them live a somewhat normal life before whatever big they're planning. They did agree on that and take advantage of it but of course still being prepared.

The three girls managed to made friends with their teammates and have created a strong bond with them just like how they did with the bats. Despite just being trained less than a week. The three has already made improvements and you won't even tell that they're beginners. That's probably because they've been trained by the best. By the league and the other teams connected to the league.

Faith's pov

Tuesday morning and I am so not in the mood getting teased at right now. I'm currently sitting by myself with the school bullies at the back listening to our Geometry teacher.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch break. I was yet again cornered by these bullies in the locker area and boy I wish my friends were here. They're probably still in their way or something. As Rodriguez was about to "hit" me, for some reason he likes seeing me in fear, seeing me flinch. How is this entertaining for them? He was stopped by someone. As I flutter my eyes open I saw Bruce holding his wrist.

"Is this how students here function? Even when in a crowd, not one person wishes to tell the councilor about it? Or do they not do anything about it?" Said Bruce still holding his wrist. Soon enough he lets go and Rodriguez and his friends ran away with a terror on his face.

Bruce then puts his arm around my shoulders and walked with me to the councilor. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes thank you." I silently said with my head low. Soon enough we reached the office and inside were Tim, Nanu, Damian, and Hil.

We then sat down with them with the councilor, and the principal behind the desk. "Mr. Wayne we can assure you that no further bullies will be tolerated." Said the principal. "This has been happening from the very first day Dick has studied here. He's a grown man now and what? Things like these still happen." Bruce scowled.

"If that's been happening since Dick Grayson then why haven't you said anything before?" Asked the counselor. "Because none of my kids spoke up about it. Not until now." He grumbled as he slammed both of his hands to the desk. The five of us where just sitting there shock to see this side of Bruce. Well mostly me.

"Bruce calm down" Tim tried calming him. "Then it's the ki-" "don't even start putting the blame to my or anyone else's kids. This happens because you let it happen. You are fully aware about this but won't do anything unless someone has confronted or even gets hurt" said Bruce cutting off the principal. "Let's go" he said. "But school's not over" Tim replied. "Don't tell me you actually enjoy this Drake" scowled Damian.

"I'm taking you five for a break. Unless this school does anything about what's happening, the five of you will either move to Central City High or be homeschooled." Bruce stated making us leave the office with disappointing and furious looks on both the principal and the counselor.

Hilary's pov

That was intense. That side of Bruce was his protective dad side. And honestly, I couldn't be more happy. I never wanted to attend school here anyways. We saw Steph and Jaime down the hall as we walked towards the gates. "Hey, you guys are leaving? This early?" Steph asked. "What about our project Tim?" Said Jaime. Bruce then looked at them as a way of telling 'no more questions, we're in a hurry and I'm mad' which the two understood and waved goodbye instead.

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