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Faith's pov

Hand in hand combat is actually exhausting, I don't get why we need to do all these actions rather than just pulling out a bomb and create and explosion, see, problem solved. Or we could all just talk it out. I don't get the point of this.

Struggling to get out of one of the assassin's grip as I brushed off those questions. I swiftly swung my leg behind his sweep kicking his ankle causing him to fall to the ground. Once on the ground I quickly tased him and rushed over to where Hilary was.

Seeing her pull out an arrow, aiming at her targets. I was stopped in the middle of the field when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to face who it was and to my surprise it was Nanu.

"Nanu! I'm so glad you're here, come on let's help the others" I cheered. She still looked emotionless, I'm not quite sure if she's free from Talia's control yet or not. Soon my vision went blurry and after a few seconds, I felt my face sting. With hindsight, she just punched me. Not saying a word. I guess that answered my question.

"Nanu... I don't want to hurt you" I said concerned backing away as I got to my fighting stance, getting ready for what's about to happen. "But I do" she coldly replied, smirking as she charged towards me. Avoiding her attack as I jumped high enough to get out of her reach. Back flipping, landing on the ground with style. Yes I'm extra like that.

"Alright then" I responded, charging towards her. The only weapon I have with me are my stun guns. Me being resourceful, I saw some sticks on the ground and used it as a weapon against her. This could break easily to be honest but it's worth the shot.

As I charged towards Nanu, swinging the sticks I'm holding, she doged every attack like I always knew she was the most skilled among us but it felt like she improved. I don't know if that's a bad or good thing. Well right now it's definitely a bad thing.

I felt my body hit the ground as she back flipped over me and pinning me down. I hissed in pain in the position I'm in - on the ground with my arm behind me while she pressed it against my back making it hurt like heck.

"Give up yet?" She asked. I simply scoffed before looking up hard enough to hit her head making her lose her grip on my arm, standing up in which made me twist hers freeing myself. "I never give up" I smirked, watching her rub her head in agony. I didn't waste any more time and made my way to go back to where Batman was, wherever that was...., He probably has the counteragent for this. I need to get her freed. But to no luck, Nanu didn't waste any of her time either. I know this isn't her and I would very much like not to hurt her.

I felt her hand on my shoulder and with no looking back, clenching my fist hitting her from behind. "Can't we just talk?" I dumbly asked, she can't even control herself, how am I to know if she knows what she's saying? "That leads to nowhere" she grabbed me on my shoulders before kneeing my abdomen. Hissing in pain as my wound started opening up again.

Blood starting to leak out from my wound, my hand on my abdomen trying to stop it. "Shht" I mumbled feeling the painful sensation. I stumbled and fell to the ground on my knees. The EpiPen Alfred gave us, I could use it but I really have no idea where to inject it.

Out of nowhere she pulled out a sword holding up to my chin. The moonlight shining on the reflection of the cold blade touching my chin. "you are no match to me." She said.

Hilary's pov

I noticed Faith was out of our sight as we faught with the assassins. I started running away from the fight to look for her. "Where are you going?" Spoiler asked as she avoided the swinging sword flying towards her. I couldn't stop now so I continued fleeing out the scene, completely ignoring her. They'll probably follow me anyway once dealt with Talia's minions.

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