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Nanu's pov

Oh snap. I thought. Laying still on this medical bed? Is that what you call it? Anyways, it has been 6 hours since we got back, Alfred checked up on me here and then, gladly appreciate it even when it's like 4am, very late and he needs rest. Back to the part where I said oh snap, I finally remembered what the frick happened.

I grabbed one of the pillows my head was resting in and simply smacked on to my face, burying my face as I grumbled and groan. All the things I've done and said. It made me feel sick to my stomach. Calling Talia mother? Ew. I mean it really would've been a pleasure to stay with the league since I'm quite a fan but I was subjugated and had no choice but to obey. I really can't string the right words to explain what I'm feeling right now.

At least on the bright side, I'm more skilled than my friends. I smirked at the thought. I guess I can say I'm equal to Damian. Haha who am I kidding, I'm still no match to him, speaking of, I remember him calling me by my name and not with my surname which was a rare thing. Like, really rare. I guess now to prove that I'm fully back is to reveal all the things I know and apologise.

"Miss Nanu, if you're well enough to get up, I would like to inform you that breakfast will be served in ten minutes. We're having waffles, miss Stephanie has requested it." Alfred speaking and coming out of nowhere made my heart skip a beat and brought me back to reality from the train of thoughts I was having. "Oh uh yeah thanks Alfred. Really, for everything, you're the best have I ever told you that?"

"Yes. Everyday before the incident happened. And I'm truly glad that you're back." He smiled before leaving the room. Oh have I missed this. I feel like I've said that a lot now but I really do, I also miss my family in the other dimension more. I sighed as my mood changed. Brushing off that horrible feeling I have at the moment, I stood up and find my way out of the medbay only revealing the cave. So they left me in the cave for that long??? Well at least they didn't tie me up, that would've been worse.

Taking the elevator up to the manor, calm elevator music started playing and with a matter of seconds I heard a ding from the elevator and the doors opened. Stepping of from the elevator, I headed straight to the dining area where I assume everyone would be in right now.

Once I arrived at the dining area, I slowly poked my head out holding to the doorframe for support to see if anyone's there and I was correct, there I saw Bruce holding his "world's okayest father" mug on the end of the table with Cassandra, Steph, Dick, and Faith on the opposite side of the table facing Damian, Jason, Tim and Hilary.

I went inside fully and revealed my self to everyone and they all stopped sipping their coffees, milks etc and eating their breakfasts as they all stared at me as if I stole the spotlight. "Hehe hi" I softly said, giving them a shy wave. It was awkward not gonna lie. "Ah miss Nanu, you're five minutes late." Alfred entered the room holding up a tray with what I can only assume is my tea and breakfast. "Please do sit down." He said as he sets the dish and mug down. "Oh yes right." I responded and took a chair out, sitting on the opposite end of Bruce close to Faith and Hil. Sitting down was already awkward enough.

"So uh.... I'd like to... Apologize for you know, my actions. It was stupid of me to run away like that and get myself in to that kind of situation. And I'm sorry if I had hurt any one of you from last night, it wasn't me I swear, I wanted to stop but I couldn't, I had no control-" "sounds like Nanu to me." Faith interrupted and continued slicing her waffles. "You don't have to apologize, I've already forgiven you the time I stabbed a syringe on your neck" Hilary teased.

All I could do really was blink at what she said and stare in disbelief. I completely forgot about the syringe part. "Damian, I'm sorry" I continued.
Dami only hummed in response, a hum in a way he's saying "I don't know if I believe you or not"

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