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Faith's pov

We got out of the jet and Hilary started to get a little dizzy. Judging by her looks, she's about to vomit. "Does any- anyone have a-- plas-tic bag?" She said covering her mouth. "Nevermind" she yelled as she ran towards the nearest restroom. "Will she be okay?" Asked Dick. "Don't know" I responded. A few moments later she came back. "Is my makeup ruined?" She asked. Somehow her makeup isn't ruined. Those girls really did a great job to be honest. Both Nanu and I shook our heads and she sighed in relief. We were then greeted by the green arrow or Oliver Queen rather with Dinah and two of our friends, Julian and Megan with this guy who seems to be around to be Jason's or Dick's age. I'm guessing Dick.

"Glad you made it Bruce" greeted Ollie. "My pleasure" said Bruce as he shakes his hand. "I see you and Roy has reconciled too." Said Bruce. "Told the league two days ago, where were you?" He asked. "Somewhere." Was all he responded. They then continued talking with Dinah and we moved a little further from them. Alfred was of course waiting along to what seems to be their butler.

"Roy" said Jason as he patted his back. "Good to see you jay" he greeted. Dick then joined them. "Haven't seen you in ages Roy" he said. "I did not miss the enthusiasm" he teased.

While they were catching up Cass and Steph were doing their own things while the three of us with Tim and Damian catched up with Julian and Megan. "You two look amazing" I complimented" "thanks so do you guys" said Megan. "So how's it going?" Julian greeted as he high fived the three of us. "Good good how are you two?" Nanu asked. "Been great, we'll be introduced later." Megan responded.

"Introduced?" The three of us asked. Damian and Tim were just listening behind us. We're still at the airport by the way. "Yeah, they decided to adopt us since we don't really have anything left to come back to in our dimension, just some things and such. After all of this they will fix our papers and stuffs and stay with us there until the papers are signed after that we'll officially move back here." Said Megan and Julian taking turns in their sentences.

"But isn't that a little too early to think about? I mean what about the social workers? What about if we don't beat the injustice?" Tim finally spoke up. He's right, they're thinking too much ahead. "That's what Ollie said but Dinah convinced him anyways. So now both Julian and I finally has a loving home after being in and out of abusive foster homes. And thanks for the pep talks we gave to Oliver and Roy, they reconciled and I now have two older brothers. Dinah helped to of course." Said Megan.

"So we're not the only ones who's been giving pep talks" I whispered to Nanu. "Wait, is Roy a Queen?" Asked Hil. "Yeah, Oliver adopted him, you didn't know?" Nanu responded. "No." Was all Hilary responded. "He is but he didn't change his last name. Unlike the three batboys and cassandra. We plan to change ours to queen though" said Julian. "Wish we could tell-" I quickly stopped with what I was about to say since Damian and Tim were still with us. "Tell what?" Dami asked. I shook my hair and said "nothing."

"Wait am I the only one who isn't an orphan in our friend group?" Nanu asked. "No, Oriana is the last one in our friend group who's an orphan too probably. She's been in and out of juvie and no one really comes looking for her." Answered Megan.

We were then gathered again and Bruce introduced us even though we all have already met. Except for Roy oh so that's probably why. "Right so Roy this is Faith, Nanu, and Hilary. " Said Bruce pointing at us. "Nice to meet you" he smiled. We smiled back at him and nodded. "Nice to meet you too" I said while Nanu was just fangirling and Hilary was oddly quiet. "Girls as you may know this is Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, or as you may know them as Green Arrow and Black Canary." Bruce added. "We better get going we don't want to be late." Oliver snickered. "We'll talk more about non hero things girls but for now we should get going" said Dinah. And with that they went to their limo while we headed to Bruce's, somehow he has it here.

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