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Nanu's pov

I woke up again in the middle of the night. I sat up and checked the time. 4:45 says the big red numbers on my clock. I went to my bathroom and washed my bruised face. As I dried my face with a towel I stared at the mirror. Seeing my face just reminded me that this was not a dream. If it was my reflection would've been black. Pure black shadow. A black eye. I sighed as I quickly grabbed a concealer to try and hide it. I got it from the bullies in my class, I could handle myself I just let the dude beat me first before I broke his hand.

Only Faith and Hil actually knows about this and I would like to keep it that way. It would usually just be teasing and calling me names. I wanted to tell at them that I'm not an orphan nor being one shouldn't be a reason for them to beat the life emotionally or physically out of people. I said the second sentence but couldn't tell the first one, how am I supposed to tell them that I'm not from this dimension and I'm staying with Batman?

I head downstairs and surprisingly I saw Bruce sitting on the kitchen island sipping coffee while reading a newspaper that has him on the front page. I sat down one seat away from him and flopped my head resting on my arms on the counter and groaned completely ignoring Bruce.

"Well good morning" I heard him say. I looked up and saw Bruce still reading the newspaper. "Good morning" I tiredly responded. Alfred isn't here so he's probably asleep still. He then puts the newspaper down and took another sip from his mug before facing me. "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Fine I guess. You?" I said laying back to my arm that's on the counter. "Didn't had the chance."

"Batman duties?" I asked. He nodded. Wow he should sleep though this isn't good for him.

"Go sleep dude."

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't really know I just had to wander off."

"Your face." He said pointing at my left eye. Oh shoot I must've rubbed the concealer off when I rested my head. I properly sit up and faced him. "It's nothing." I said coldly.

"Why do I feel like you're hiding a lot of things"

"Because I am. And if you don't trust me because of that then I might as well go home." It sounded like a threat but not really, how is me going home even a threat? I know for a fact he only enrolled us so he wouldn't have to deal with us.

"Oh and I also know about the tracker. So sneaky" I teased. He was taken aback with what I said but proceed to brood. Brooding, he's so good at that. "You know if you think I'm a spy or something just drop it. I know you did every test possible if I'm under anyone's control in your own sneaky ways. Although maybe you should watch out for Terra, she's the actual spy." And there we go, I said it. I know I shouldn't have but this isn't like I time travelled or something. This dimension isn't accurately following any continuity so what bad could it do?

"What about Terra?"

"She's working for Slade. It's like that in any show or movie or comic. Ends up dying after she felt the guilt and saves the team and what knot. Although in the young justice show she didn't die, she just became good with the help of Artemis. But who knows if she actually is a spy here."

"I'll have to ask M'gann about it. Thank you for the tip."

"Did you just thanked me?"

"Seems like you don't know a lot of things about me either." He snickered.

"Oh please. I know more than you think." I mocked.

"Don't tell anyone but I'm thinking of taking in another kid."

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