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As this book nears so many reads and nearly three years uploaded, I want to thank every single person who has found entertainment. I will be keeping this book up, so don't worry about that. I just wanted to make this short statement to clear a few things up. 

I have the upmost respect for the actors, actresses, directors, author and etc, who worked to make The Outsiders (1983) + (1967) what it is. I am in no way associated with them. 

All content in this book is purely fictional and created by myself. Some work might have mistakes which I haven't edited. I don't actively edit this book, so read at own risk. 

As I have grown over the past few years, I have realised some of these pages can be harmful and inappropriate and honestly cringe worthy. As I do apologise if it has been seen as such, please know I only write for fun.  Please separate my own opinion, morals and values from what I've written as I cannot monitor the things I have previously uploaded. 

For more The Outsiders content from me; check out on my account:

More Dallas Winston:

• Hit and Run 

Dallas Winston book series:

• Damn You | Book 1

• Growing Pains | Book 2

•  Drive By | Book 3

•  The Golden Age | Book 4

Short stories:

• The Outsiders: A Collection Of Short Stories

•  The Outsiders: Halloween

• The Outsiders Christmas

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