STORY: Dally Rescue | Part 1

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Dally and you have just finished a round of drinks at Buck's house party. It was time to head home, "Wait near the car, I'll be out in a minute." he says.

You watch as he slides his way between the people dancing and then into the bathroom. You leave the party, walking outside into the dark towards the car. When you get there you lean your body against the hood of it, cuddling your freezing body to keep warm. A shadow cast unexpectedly over you. You glance up with a smile, thinking it's Dally. You're met face to face with a stranger from the party, he's smiling back at you.

"Can I help you?" You ask nervously, hoping Dally would hurry up.

"What is a gorgeous little lady doing out here all alone for?"

You laugh weakly at his compliment, "I'm freezing to death waiting for my..." You hesitate the word.

"Your?" he wondered.

" friend." You reply. Technically Dally and You weren't official. You don't even know what Dally thinks of you or if he's the boyfriend type.

"Maybe I could warm you up." he sways his body closer, you back up. He looks at you confused, "Come on baby, there's no harm in a bit of fun."
You shake your head, placing hands in front of your body. "Please, I just want to wait alone." at this point you really wished Dally would hurry up.

The man becomes impatient. His cold stare watches you carefully, sending shivers down your spine. You freeze in place, squeezing your thighs together uncomfortably. He looks down, then back up to your eyes. A devilish smirk crosses his face, as he moves even closer.He swipes his hand up and clenches onto your hair tightly, as he throws your body over the car hood. You try to push your body up, but instead your met with his hip crashing into your legs.

He frantically thumbles his belt with one hand and with the other he pulls your dress up. "Help! Please someone help!" you screamed twice.

"Stop!" You plead, choking on a sob before his hand roughly presses against your mouth. You moan out, crying for help and squeeze your eyes shut, tears splashing out of the corners. His hand moves towards the elastic on your underwear, "Let's take these off..." the heat of his breath warms your bare neck.

Before he could go any further, he freezes. Under his ear is a gun held by Dally, he presses it harder against his neck. "You better step the hell away from her right now, or I swear I'll blow your damn head off."

The man steps off me with his hands up, Dally steps back stilling pointing the gun at him. "We were only having fun." the man claims.

You scattered onto my feet and run behind Dally, sobbing loudly. "Get into the car." he instructs, you do as your told and take a seat in the car.
"When a girl is crying like that, she ain't having any fun no more."
You close the car door, no longer hearing the two of them outside. Only muffled voice, just out of ear shot.

With a warning you hear three loud bangs echo. A hurdle scream escapes your mouth, in horror as you look at the man laying on the ground with three decent sized bullet holes bleeding out his chest. On the other end is Dally, his hand shakes at he drops the gun to the side of him.

To be continued... 

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