DRIVE IN w/ the gang

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A nice summer night, and your boyfriend decides to take you out for a movie at the local drive in

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A nice summer night, and your boyfriend decides to take you out for a movie at the local drive in. Here is how it plays out.

Dallas: The two of you sneak under the fence behind some bushes, of which everyone knows is the perfect place to sneak in without paying yet nobody ever fixes it. Dallas rips the fence open more so that you wouldn't get scratched, and helps you through like a real gentleman. When you pass cars, he swaggers all cool like pretending not to show you affection because he loathes public affection, but gives you enough at home so you don't mind much. You both sit in a stands, and annoy other people by throwing popcorn in their hair. Dallas smokes at lot to make the older people move away from him, and when anyone confronts him about his actions he just blows cigarette smoke in their faces. 

Steve: Steve makes it out to be a date, so he picks you up from your parents house about half an hour before the movie starts. He walks up to the door like a gentleman, with flowers for you mother and all, he even speaks to your father about cars for a bit. When you leave, he speeds down to the drive in and buys two tickets for whatever movie. Straight after he buys the tickets, the two of you jump into the backseat, beginning to get hot and heavy while making out... one things leads to another and things get intimate.  

Johnny: Now Johnny is a true gentleman, unlike Steve who pretends to be. Every Thursday night the two of you have a real date night to keep things interesting, you take turns picking what you want to do. This week, Johnny picked the drive in cinema. The entire night you spend snuggling up to him in the cold, he even wraps his jacket around the both of you to keep warm. He has advice from all the boys telling him to reach his arm around you for a feel, instead he hugs you and kisses your forehead. Neither of you are ready for the next step, no matter how much he hears it from the likes of Soda, Two-bit, Dallas and Steve. 

Two-bit: Before entering the drive in, you hide in the back with a blanket over you so that he doesn't have to pay for two tickets. Instead, Two-bit parks around the back of the food building, he lifts the tarp from his truck to reveal stolen goods that he sells out here, greasers come by and collect, some even trading him. After most of it is sold, the two of you get drunk and end up stumbling around like fools, and making out on the hood on peoples cars until you're kicked out. 

Darry: Darry absolutely hates drive ins and cinemas, so this couldn't be an option at all. He'd much rather sit at home with a movie on, and home cooked meal, which you don't mind because he works a lot and needs time to relax. You make a date out of it, the two of you stay home and cook a nice home cooked meal together then settle down for a movie. The night ends with the both of you racing into his room with a sugar rush after all the candy you force him to eat.

Ponyboy: Ponyboy and you prepared long before the movie date for it. Both of you read the book way before, and discuss it through the entire film and long afterwards. When you're done that, you end up falling into the backseat and making out, pretending to be characters from the film, you even role play with what little privacy you have... 

Soda: Soda picks you up as usual, and buys the tickets like a gentleman. He won't let you pay even though you want too, he always insist. The both of you love to hit the concession stand for food, and end up buying popcorn, nachos, cotton candy, soda, pretzels, corn dogs and anything else you could possibly fit into your stomachs. By then you can't even be bothered to kiss, let alone go any further. 

Question of the day: Did you guys know that Darry technically isn't apart of the gang?

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