Steve Wedding

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You sat down on the edge of your bed next to Steve, both of you stare down at the pregnancy test clutched in your hand

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You sat down on the edge of your bed next to Steve, both of you stare down at the pregnancy test clutched in your hand. It felt like eternity waiting for the results to show up, whether it be one little pick line or two little pink lines. Neither of you spoke a word when the two pink lines showed up indicating you're pregnant, you lay back on the bed and Steve follows. You throw the test across the room and throw your head into your hands to let out a loud groan. "We could get married and I look after the three of us." You look at Steve, he looked strangely serious unlike his usual self. You lean your head down to his lips and kiss him softly. "You would do that for me?"

He climbs on top of you, and sits on your hips "Well I love you don't I?"

You both decide to have a shotgun wedding and as quick as possible, before you start to show. You knew your parents and his would be horrified to learn of the child born out of wedlock. You both scrape you as much money you can possibly find before starting to plan. You spend days looking through thrift stores and friends places for things you could use. You don't tell anyone about the pregnancy besides Darry, he's like your big brother and can trust him with anything. He offers to help out with the expenses. You take up his offer but tell him you'll pay him back.

The wedding is in the middle of Summer. It only took around a month to plan but you think you did pretty good despite the money issues. You couldn't have been more nervous and you knew Steve was as well. You loved him with every inch of your heart but the wedding was way to soon. Everything is moving too fast.

You get ready at the Curtis household along with the bridesmaids who help you into your dress. You look in the mirror at your small baby bump and smile knowing you'll give birth in around 4 months. The bridesmaids are wearing blue dresses and grooms men wore black suits.

The ceremony was simple wooden chairs with fake flowers tied to them. You liked how everything looked more expensive then it was. Everything came together well. It was held outside in a park. Even though it was a free venue you loved it.

You you walked down the grass aisle to a car radio playing traditional music towards your husband to be. He looks up at you smiling. You stood face to face with each other. All you could focus on was him. The priest spoke and you agreed.

You both say traditional vows as you didn't have time to think of any to say, plus Steve isn't really the best at expressing his words. You knew he loved you more than anything and you loved him the exact same way. The priest tells Steve he can now kiss you. You wrap your arms around him as he pulls you in close. Your body press together was you move into the kiss. Everyone cheered as you both walk down the grass aisle together with hands together.

The reception is held at the park as well, you got the gang to place wooden tables down and hang up lights. You couldn't afford much but you had a car playing music and drinks going around. It turned into a big party. The food was delivered by a pizza place which the greasers seemed to love. Your parents on the other hand found it tasteless.

The gang hugged you tightly as you told them you were pregnant. They all looked wide eyed at each other and then congratulated the two of you. You knew it was a shock as was the wedding. You laughed and danced with all the boys. You listen to their funny speeches. You couldn't keep your eyes of how handsome Steve was under the lights. You couldn't wait to get him alone.

The next morning you and Steve woke up hungover at the park along with a couple of other people. You could barely remember your own wedding. You didn't have a honeymoon, only a couple of days of work to hangout together, but that was enough. You both promised to have a real wedding one day when you have enough money and are on your feet properly.

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