Why You Break Up

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*This is kind of sad, I felt really bad heart ache writing this so here's a warning...

Dally: He's too distant, has trouble opening up and connecting with you on an emotional level. He always keeps things to himself and bottles up feelings until he explodes at you while drunk.

Steve: You both fight about everything and can't agree. When it gets too much he always leaves and goes out with his friends to get drunk or drag race. You wait up for him constantly and can't be in the same room without wanting to rip each others heads off.

Johnny: He never sticks up for you in fear of being beaten or yelled at. You want a man not a puppy dog, you love him but he's too nervous and needs to work stuff out before committing to you.

Ponyboy: You thought things were doing fine until out of the blue he breaks up with you over the phone. One minute you were talking about school and the next he tells you its over. He even ignores you when you try to confront him.

Darry: He's more focused on work than you, he never has time to do anything and is always tired from his two jobs. You don't blame him for it but you wish things were different or that he would let you help him out but he's too stubborn. He's also more mature than you and older, you feel as if he's looking for someone better.

Two-bit: He's never serious about anything. You need commitment not this casual stuff he's playing. He won't even show you any affection around his friends anymore, the magic has gone. People were right about the honeymoon stage.

Soda: He truly is the most handsome boy in Tulsa. Girls swooned over him daily and even tried to attack you to get to him. Sometimes you felt like you couldn't trust him, especially when you walked in on him flirting with another girl. You didn't know how far it went because you had already walked away.

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