Dally Wedding

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In the heat of the moment of a fight, Dally crazily got down on one knee and asked you to marry him

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In the heat of the moment of a fight, Dally crazily got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. He didn't have an engagement ring, and you were pretty sure he was hammered but you said yes anyways. The next morning you expected him not to even remember what he said the night before, but to your surprise he rolls over, wraps his arms around you and calls you his fiancée.

When you get around to actually planning the wedding, Dally tells you that he doesn't care about anything as long as you're happy and it doesn't make him look like a dork He gives you some money he's been saving from work but you realise it's not enough to cover much. Dally comes up with an idea, he remembers a couple of people owe him a favour or two.

On the day of the wedding you've nervous as hell, and so is he. You low-key freak out realising that Mr. One night stand, Mr. Doesn't play by any rules was about to commit his life to you. It all felt so surreal. You swallow down, trying to think happy thoughts as the bridesmaids brush your hair. The bridesmaids were wearing navy blue dresses and grooms men wore navy blue suits. You go natural make up, hair down naturally. The entire wedding was a natural vibe like you both liked it.

The ceremony was an arrangement of white flowers and fairy lights. You couldn't think of anything more beauty than this pair together. It was an outside wedding in the middle of spring, luckily for you it was a gorgeous warm sunny day.

As you walk down the aisle to the dark beauty you were about to marry, the gang, family and other friends sat watch you. The traditional music was playing, Dally looked at you like the stars shined for the first time. He had a little smirk on his face as you stood in front of him, you couldn't help but smile when he said "You look tuff, kid."

Dally said his vows, "You know when I first met you, I thought you were just another annoying soc kid trying to get with a handsome bad boy such as myself. I remember you coming to Buck's parties and just sort of eyeing me from across the room, I thought you were cute from the start. I realised soon after starting to talk to you, you were the one I wanted to be with. I might not say it often, kid. But I really do love you. I promise to be the man you need, you have my soul."

You tried not to cry at his words, you loved him more than anything. You said your vows, "You were the bad boy of any girls dreams, I felt like I had to scratch and bite and claw to get to you but it was all worth it to have you standing here in front of me today. I wish I could find the words to tell you how much you truly mean to me, I want to be with you forever. I want to be the one to patch you up after a rumble and cook you dinner and love you like there's no end. I promise to be the one to help you fulfil your wildest dreams and to hold you. I love you so much and that's never going to change."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Dally wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a forceful kiss. He moves his hands up to your cheeks and full on makes out with you in front of everyone. The crowd goes wild, cheering and hollering at us.

The reception took place outside, a long table covered in flowers and lights in the middle and then a dance floor on the other side. The food was an open buffet, because you knew how hungry the greasers could get. A lot of people came up to congratulate you and goofed with Dally for a couple of minutes, they were shocked he actually was tied down. Everyone was dancing, and it became like a wild party. You laughed so much dancing with all the guys.

The night after you went on your honey to a small motel a couple of towns away. Neither of you cared about anything too fancy and just wanted to spend time together.

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