STORY: First Time

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You and Darry have been dating for nearly three months, as an experienced lover Darry was beginning to wonder when you two would make the next step together. You hadn't done anything more than make out with anyone...hell, Darry was your first boyfriend. 

One day Darry comes up with a great idea, dinner date at a hotel. He even got a room. You decided to take a chance and finally get it over and done with....


You both stood in the elevator riding it all the way to the top floor, you leaned against him faintly. You leave and follow him back to the room, he unlocks the door and kicks it open.

You take a seat on the edge of the bed as he closes the door behind himself. You reach up and slowly remove the velvet ribbon, shaking your hair down. You fumble trying to take your clothes off.

He leaned back on the armchair, watching you with a sort of lustful eyes you'd only see in the movies. You knew what was about to happen but you also knew you wern't prepared for it either.

He stands up and unbottons his shirt. You lay back on the bed, before he draped his shirtess self over your body. Your body shivers as his slow kisses move from your shoulders, to your neck and up to your soft pink lips.

He moves your hips into place, as he fumnles for his belt buckle and rips it off. He throws it across the now heated room, it was almost unbearable heat. Your body sweat just laying there, he mounts onto you.


You wake up early in the morning, slowly opening your weary eyes. The whole room was a lovely shade of light blue. You sit up in the bed, stretching your arms up above your head into a yawn.

You glare over at the faintingly breathing man next to you. He laid on his side with his back to you and his arms wrapped around a pillow. His hair was tussled on the pillow, he appeared soothingly calm unlike his normal self.

Only a thin sheet covered your nude bodies. A bittersweet feeling started to boil in your body, you wanted to scream but at the same time you loved this man more than anything. You squeeze your eyes tightly as the corners began to tear, you bite your lower lip trying to hold back soft sobs.

You're stopped when the phone starts to ring from acrouss the room, you quickly lay back down. You squeeze your eyes shut and snuggle deeper into the blankets.

Darry groans as he rises from the bed and making his way over to the phone. He answers it, "Hello?" he speaks in a raspy morning voice.

The other person speaks for a while, Darry turns around to look at you. A little smirk appears on his face when he sees the outline of your body in the sheets.

"Okay- Okay. We will be down soon, Dally." he hangs the phone up. You feel the bed sink next to you, followed by his hand running though your hair. He slowly kisses your shoulders, trailing them back to your neck and cheek. You creak your eyes open, pretending to wake up.

"You know I love you right?" he whispers into you ear, you roll back to him and smile brightly. "I love you more." 

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