STORY: First Kiss with Steve

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"You're incredible, you know that!" You spat at Steve.

"Why? What have I done this time!" he snapped back, looking at you and then back to the road.

"You can't just pick me up out of nowhere and throw me in your car because you get jealous. Geez you're my best friend not my father!"

"You know if your dad actually would raise you better then maybe I wouldn't have to do that!" he argued back.

You were mad, fighting the urge to slap him across the face. "What the hell is wrong with you Steve?" you kicked the dashboard with your foot.

"Holy sh- Do not kick my damn dashboard..." he screamed. "...what's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you!? You're the only one here being a little b-!"

You cross your arms and went totally silent. He knew he had just made a huge mistake by calling you that. But he kept on looking forward and driving. You opened your mouth again but decided to stop, you rest your head on the window. The road passes you by fast.

"I want to go home, Steve."

He doesn't answer you. You turn the radio volume up, and pushed the buttons until a song you liked came one. but you couldn't find one so you punched it off again.

Steve didn't even move, he just kept staring at the road in front of him. You looked out the window again, noticing you were on your street. You see yourself pass your house without the car slowing down or stopping.
"Steve? you just passed my house?"

"Right." he finally speaks again. You look at the little clock above the radio, it reads 1:03 am. You sink your back lower into the passenger seat, you have no idea where you're going, but you trust him.

You stare out the window for the rest of the drive, watching houses pass you by. The streets disappear into trees. Steve finally stops the car, "Steve where are we?" you ask, looking at him with tired eyes.

He looks back at you, "Look, I'm sorry I got mad... I've just been going through a lot of stress a work recently and it was wrong to take that out on you." he apologises. You bit your bottom lip slightly and trail your hand over his cheek, you didn't like seeing him this upset.

He grabs your hand and moves it onto his lap. His eyes never cease contact with yours, he leans his body into yours and plants a soft kiss on your lips. You move into the kisses, making them more passionate.

You close your eyes shut, feeling the goosebumps rise up your arms making you to shiver slightly. His hot breath washes over your face, "Steve." you whispered overwhelmingly. His lips brush against yours, as one hand ruffles on the back of your head and the other wraps around your waist.

He pulls your body in even closer than before. His hand starts to travel under your shirt and up to your bra, you pull back. He stops in place, "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I'm ready for that step..." You say ashamed. He removes his hand from you with a short smile. "I can wait."

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