STORY: Dally Rescue | Part 4

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You eventually left the town, and the following towns after that. The gas light started to blinking violently, indicating that the tank was very low. You reach into the back seat, avoiding the blood covered gun staining the nice leather and opened the duffel bag. You ruffle through it until you find your purse, you pull out a twenty dollar note and hand it over to Dally. He takes it from you and pulls the car over to a small lot which laid a gas station/general store.

You both get out of the car, Dally fills the gas up and you take your purse into the store. A man with greasy hair sat at the counter with eyes glued to a small TV. You glance over the shelves for something interesting, you only had ten dollars left and had to make it last longer. You don't know how long you were going to be on the run for.

"Bathroom? Do you have one?" you ask the guy at the counter, he points over to a door on the left. You nodded thankfully to him before walking in. The bathroom was as small as an airport toilet, with an oval mirror hanging over the sink and a toilet to the side.

Outside Dally has filled the cat up, he walks into the store and looks around for me. "Where's the kid gone?" he speaks into thin air. The man points towards the bathroom door for a second time.

You walk out of the bathroom, wiping your wet hands onto your dirty jeans. "Ready to go?" you smiled to Dally. He gives you a cold glare, "Lets move."

You make your way outside, Dally walks towards a payphone hanging outside the store. You wave to him, "I'll wait in the car." he nods to you, putting a coin into the machine slot. He dials up a number, then waited while it rings. The person on the other end picks up.

You lay your feet on the dashboard, moving them slightly to the stereo music. You watch Dally bite his lip, wondering who he was speaking too. You couldn't hear him.

He unhinges in relief before hanging up the phone and walking back over to the car. He opened the back seat door, covering his hand with his t shirt he picks up the bloody gun and disposes of it behind a bush along with the shirt. His now shirtless body gets into the car, you look down blushing your feet. 

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