Soda Wedding

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It was your birthday and Soda decided to take you somewhere fun

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It was your birthday and Soda decided to take you somewhere fun. He blind folds you and takes you to the carnival, where on top of a ferris wheel he takes off the blind fold. At first you were terrified of the height but then you turn around to see your boyfriend down on one knee with a pretty ring pointing up at you. Tears immediately started to well up in your eyes. He asks you to be his wife and stay by his side forever, you spring into his arms. He holds you tight as you both give into a passionate kiss.

As the wedding date nears you start to panic, thinking you're behind in planning. Soda reassures you everything will be fine. He lets you pick everything you want, and picks up extra shifts to pay for it. You both use your life savings to fund it. Even with the help from Darry who offers to buy a couple of things.

It's an autumn day wedding, you're the happiest you've ever been before and so is he. You have no doubt in your mind that Sodapop Patrick Curtis is the one man for you. You couldn't wait to walk down that aisle to your prince charming. You sit in the changing room as your bridesmaids help you into your dress and do your hair. The bridesmaids are wearing burgundy dresses and grooms men wore black suits. You have your makeup done to perfection as is your hair.

The ceremony was an arrangement of ruby red roses and leaves. You couldn't have chosen anything more stunning than those together. It was held inside a fancy hotel in the middle of autumn.

When you walk down the aisle to traditional music to your to be husband, Soda looks up at you with gushing orbs in his eyes. He looked at look like the first time he'd ever seen you before. As you stood face to face with him, he held onto your hand tightly smiling so much.

Soda said his vows, "I promise and I vow to be the man you've always deserved. I wish I could give you the moon and entire universe. I will stop at nothing to make sure you have everything you need and to start a beautiful loving family with you by my side."

You said your vows, "I promise you that I'll be there to catch you if you ever should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day, like I already do. You mean the world to me, Soda. I couldn't picture myself in any other mans arms. I want to have a beautiful life and share children with you. You're all I need."

The priest tells Soda he can now kiss the bride. He pulls you in close to him, your body press together as he pulls you into a passionate kiss. He moves his hand up to your cheek and pulls back. Everyone cheers as you both walk down the aisle together.

The reception takes place in the dining hall, many circle tables covered in candles and ruby red roses. In the middle was a large dance floor with a band on stage. The food was served by polite waiters and people could drink until they fell over. Many people came to congratulate you and Soda. Darry and Ponyboy hugged you tightly, thanking you for taking Soda off there hands jokingly of course.

You laughed and danced with all the boys. You listen to their speeches and even a funny song they had written you and Soda. You both slow dance to his favourite song and couldn't of pictured a better day with him. You didn't notice anyone else but him. He was your everything in that moment.

Your honeymoon was at the same fancy hotel where the wedding was. It was absolutely gorgeous, you had a top room floor which must have cost Soda a years worth of tips to rent. The view looked out over the country side hills.

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