STORY: First Kiss with Two-bit

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Two-bit is walking you home after hanging out at the Curtis household for the morning. The boys didn't walk alone and neither would you. It's dangerous for a greaser to walk alone, especially with all the socs driving around looking for trouble.

You arrive outside your house to hear your parents screaming and fighting. Two-bit looks at you worryingly as your eyes are glued to the door, "I hate when they fight." you speak lowly.

You move your eyes to the ground. Two-bit swings his arm around your shoulder, "Come on, you can come home with me." His house was only down the road from yours and only took 30 seconds to walk too.

When you get there, he unlocks the front door. You've already been to his house multiple times so the small size is nothing new. "Ma!" he yells out, nobody answers.

We make our way into the kitchen, on the counter lays a note. He picks it up and skims his eyes over it, "She's at the shops."

You start to think about earlier this morning when Soda pushed you into the puddle with Steve, you look down at your muddy clothes. "Is it okay if I have a shower?"

"Oh yeah that's fine, let me get you come clothes." he goes into his room and ruffles through piles of clothes until he brings back a pile.

"Here, they might be too big for you so I got a belt." he passes you the pile of clothes, you take it. He points over to the bathroom door, "I remember." you laughed.

You enter the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You set the clothes down on the sink, and slip your clothes off onto the floor. You turn the shower tap on and wait for it to heat up before getting in. You soak your body under the water and wash your body down, watching the muddy water flow down the drain.

After you were done, you get out and wrap the towel around you body. You walk in front of the small oval mirror to see your nude body standing there. You furrow your eyebrows at your appearance and then dry your body with the towel.

You take the clothes off the sink, throwing on a oversized flannel shirt and denim jeans. They hung off your skinny body, loose, you love the feeling. Your hair drips wet onto the shirt as you exit the bathroom. Two-bit sat against the dining table with a beer in his hand. He looks up at you with a small smile, his eyes slowly trail your body.

You move next to him, "What's mickey been up to?"

All of a sudden he launches his body at you, both his hands hold your face in them as he plants a beer flavoured kiss on your lips. He pulls back, you look at him in complete shock. You blushed and didn't know what to say next, he begins to apologise but before he could you pull his collar in and start to kiss him again.

His arms wrap around your body, pulling you together even closer than before. His eyes opened slightly when he sees flashing car lights drive up the drive-way, it was his mother. You both release from each other, "Wow-wee." you gushed, trying to stop yourself from swooning.

You step apart as his mother opens the front door, she peaks her head in. "Oh hello, (y/n) I haven't seen you in ages!"

You smile brightly to her, "It's been a long time, Mrs. Matthews."

She struggles holding grocery bags in her arms, Two-bit flees over to help her and puts them onto the kitchen bench. "What are you both up to?" she wonders.

You look over to Two-bit who is smirking at you, "Oh just watching mickey mouse."

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