STORY: Dally Rescue | Part 3

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You're waken by Dally shoving your shoulder, and speaking to you. You can't make out what he was saying, "H-huh?" you groaned.

The sun shined directly in your eyes and put your hand up to block out the light from your face. You wait until your vision was unblurred, Dally stood outside the parked car, looking down at you. "Wake up."

You yawn, stretching your arms out above your head. The car is parked out in the middle of a small car park. "Where are we?" you asked. He points to the sign on top of the building, 'Gilbert's Coffee and Diner'

You unbuckle the seat belt, and followed him inside. The entire place is crowded with people, all with there attentions to the mini television hanging above the counter. Some sort of football match was playing on it.

All the people had their eyes glued to the screen, nobody even noticed the two of you, unkempt pair walk in. Dally smelled like he had just finished an intense soccor match, and forgot to wear deodorant and you smelled no better.

A short waitress walks over to both of you with a pen and little note book in hand, "What would you like kids"

"Uh, just get us two coffees." Dally says, trying to shoo her off.

She writes it down, "straight black or with milk/sugar?"

"Just two coffees, I don't care."

She writes again, before walking off to the next customer. He runs his fingers through his ruffled hair and groans loudly. "We need to figure something out, maybe then I will be in a better mood." he mumbles.

All of a sudden, the crowd of people start to curse and sigh. You look up at the television acorss the top of the screen reads 'BREAKING NEWS!' and a news woman comes onto the screen. She begins to speak, "Sorry for the delay in the football match, we have some breaking news coming in from the Oklahoma state police..."

The screen changes to a police officer standing at a poduim in a conference room. Camera's flashed as he spoke, "I'd like to inform people in the Oklahoma state and others surrounding that at approx 11 pm last night killed a man outside of a bar in cold blood by gun. Three bullets have been shot into the mans chest. We do not have a suspect yet, this means there is a killer or killers on the loose. Please remain claim and keep safe, more updates at 6 o'clock news."

Instantly Dally and you look at each other with widened eyes, people around us started chattering. "Act natural." he says in a low voice. The waitress pours our coffee, you drink it and continue to watch the news broadcast.

"Missing people. On the screen we have a photo of each missing person of the last 72 hours. If you have seen any of these people, please call the police immediatly."

She goes through them all, "Barbra Loomis, George Grey..."

Next came up two old photos of you and Dally, "Shh..." Dally curses.

"Dallas Winston age 17 on the right and (Y/N) aged 16 have been missing since yesterday afternoon. The pair were expected to return home after a night out but failed to show. The police are worried with their safety because of their minor ages."

Around you people started to stare, they noticed both of you from the report. Dally quickly stands up, grabbing onto your upper arm and pulls you out of the diner. A couple of people stand up, "Hey it's them!" one yells, another grabs for the pay phone and dials the police.

You run to the car, Dally quickly starts the engine. The car speeds away from the diner, "Damn! f***!" he curses. You try to catch your breath, while clutching onto anything you can grab when he makes an illegal U-turn into on coming traffic.

"Where the hell are we going!" you yelled. Dally doesn't respond again, trying to swerve past cars on the highway.

To be continued...

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