How You Met

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Ponyboy: You were in the cinema theatres entrance, looking at all the movie screening signs. You came to one which had Paul Newman written on it, you always liked his movies. As you were looking at the cover board of the movie a boy came next to you. He scared you half to death when he spoke out of nowhere, I like Paul Newman, he's a great guy he says. You turn around to see a familiar face from school, you didn't know his name but you recognised him from the year below you. He tells you his name is Ponyboy, you greet him and both start talking about Paul Newman and other movies you liked to see. You both brought a ticket to see the movie and afterwards hung out. He walked you home and asked to see you again.

Steve: On your 17th birthday you father promised to buy you a car. He wasn't very rich but still worked hard to get you one, you were grateful for his efforts and even insisted you could survive without one. He takes you over to the local DX gas station where he had a seller waiting. When you arrive a young employee walks over to you, he introduces himself as Steve and shakes both your hands. He takes you over to a nice car that he restored. Your father and him talk on and on about cars, he was very informative, clearly a car expert. Steve offers you a test drive, your father tells you both to go and he will stay back. You get into the drivers seat and admit to him you're a bad driver, he assures you that you can't be that bad and to try. You struggle driving around the block, stopping and starting. By the time you get back to the DX, Steve has already offered to teach you how to drive properly.

Darry: It was your first ever day working at the local hardware store, with a lack of training you were thrown into the deep end and had to learn most of the stuff yourself. Luckily for you that certain day was slow, around midday a tall broad shouldered sweaty young man comes in. He says for a panel of oak wood and hammer. You scratch your head for a moment and try to figure out how to give him the massive piece of oak wood you couldn't even carry. He was patient with you, as you tried to pull the wood out of the shelving. He laughs and runs over to you, asking if you were new. You confessed it was your very first day and had no idea what you were doing. He helps you out, with a bit of flirting involved. You give him a discount for his troubles. Every day the next week he came into the store, and wanted to be waited by you.

Johnny: You're on a late night walk when you come across a boy laying on the park bench. He has newspapers over his body, you feel bad for him and shake his shoulder to wake him up. He jumps awake immediately and gives you a panicked look. You realise it's a familiar face from school. You smile brightly, and ask him why he's sleeping outside. He tells you his parents fight a lot and he doesn't want to put up with it. You tell him to follow you, you take him back to your house and tell him to wait outside your window. You go through the front door and into your room. You open the window so your parents can't hear you and help Johnny climb in.

Two-bit: It's around 8 pm and you are feeling extremely hungry. You go to the fridge and realise there is barely anything to eat. You go back to your room and slips some shoes on, along with your pj's you were already wearing you put a jacket on. You take some money and walk in the dark half a mile to the Dairy Queen before it closes at 9 pm. The entire way you secretly laughed to yourself about how ridiculous you're. By the time you get to the place there isn't many people around, you walk past a group of greasers. One of them laughs at you wearing your pj's. You swing around to make eye contact with him. His smile flips upside down when you do, you ask him what hes looking at. You both stand there smiling at each other. He ends up buying you an ice cream and walk you home.

Soda: Your parents force you to get a job. You look at the newspaper for weeks and apply for a lot of jobs but never get any. You decide the last resort to apply for the job at the local DX. You have no idea about cars but would be fine with running the cash register. You end up getting the job and on your first day you meet Soda and Steve. Soda ends up training you as he's been there for awhile now and well Steve can't be trusted. You and Soda end up becoming really close as you work there and end up loving your job.

Dally: One afternoon your younger brother came racing into the house, panting and in a total panic. You jump up asking what's wrong, he struggles to catch his breath and tells you a guy chased him half way across town. You got mad that someone was bullying your little brother and decide to confront them. You force your brother to take you to the guy, he takes you to a empty lot with a bunch of greasers and broken furniture. He points over to a handsome, dark haired guy leaning around the car with a smoke hanging out of his mouth. At first you hesitated, but decided to get it over and done with. You march straight up to him and ask him what he gets out of bullying a little kid. He laughs in your face and tries to crack onto you. You push him off, as his friends laugh. You and your brother leave. But you couldn't stop thinking about him and decide to return the very next day. One thing leads to another and you're both flirting...

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