The Morning After

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Dally: You wake up and immediately wonder where you are. It takes a couple of moments to realise you're in his room, he sleeps faintly rest to you. You slowly get out of the bed without waking him, you try to pick the clothes off the ground when you accidentally stepped on the wrong floor board causing it to creak loudly. Dally rolls over with a groan but ends up falling back asleep. You sigh in relief and get dressed. After that you leave his room and sneak downstairs. You're forced to do the walk of shame when you realise Buck is watching you leave. You'll never live it down.

Steve: Nobody knew you and Steve were hooking up, well besides the two of you and Dally who found out weeks prior. It was early morning at his place, his parents were out of town and you two parked it on there bed. You woke up early for round to and were going at it pretty nicely when Soda and Two-bit arrive outside the window laughing. Steve flips you off the bed and buries a pillow over your face harshly encase they saw who you were. He quickly dresses and meets the boys at his front door. They congratulate him loudly and keep asking who you are. You hear the noise coming for the room, so you throw on some clothes and climb out the window. You run to the nearest payphone and call up Steve's house. He answers and you both laugh about it.

Two-bit: You wake up with his arms wrapped around you, restricting your movement totally. You were crushed under the weight of his body but you couldn't think of anywhere else you'd rather be. His breath steams warmth onto the back of your bare neck, and his body stuck to yours like glue from the heat. It was honestly the best feeling in the world you didn't want to get up but you're forced to when his bedroom door flies open to Steve, Soda and Ponyboy all wide eyed. Two-bit groaned awake when they entered and yelled at them to get out. They all laughed and hollered back into the living room. Two-bit goes out first and when you finally decide to go out there, they all turned to you, clapping and cheering.

Darry: You both hate the idea of either of the boys finding out you stayed the night, you didn't want them to feel uncomfortable. So the only option was to wake up early and leave quietly out the front door. The only problem was this morning you both accidentally slept in. Darry rolls over and sees the time, causing you both to panic. You could hear the shower running and television on in the living room. You could even hear a couple of other voices, most likely Steve and Two-bit. Your eyes went straight for the window and you end up climbing out of it. As you made your way around the side of the house, Dallas catches your eye. His eyebrows raised and he mouthed the words 'far out' as you made a run for it towards your house down the street.

Soda: Believe it or not Soda actually has the keys to the DX. After a late night spur of the moment idea, you both end up in the floor of the gas station's office. You honestly couldn't even remember how it happened or why it happened, but it did. You didn't regret waking up in his arms just the location. You both wake at the same time and look at each other in the eyes, a smile forms on both of your faces as you both whisper a hello. You had to hurry out the back door when you both panicked hearing the movement of his manager outside. You both ran down the street half undressed, struggling to get your clothes on while running. You wouldn't change it for the world.

Ponyboy: It was late the previous night when you both walked to his home from the movie house. You had the intent of dropping him home and then walking back to your house. He didn't like the idea of you walking home alone, so you both decide to climb into the back of Darry's truck. Probably not the best idea considering you ended up falling asleep in it. You both woke at around one am to the howling of the window outside and the freezing truck. You were confused for a couple of moments until you realised where you were. You both dressed and Ponyboy hurried inside to be yelled at for being late. He lies about where he was and what he did... You sat outside the truck for a couple of minutes for no reason besides you were the happiest you've ever been before.

Johnny: You ended up doing it at the lot in the middle of the night. It defiantly wasn't planned, one minute you were both talking and the next.... well you know. It was a warm night, just warm enough for you both to fall asleep afterwards. Johnny woke before you just before sunset, you both dressed afterwards so it wasn't like you were nude for anything. He shoves your shoulder until you wake. You both talk for awhile and assure each other that you were equally as good at the act... which causes you both to force out laughter. He walks you home early that morning. 

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