In the Night } Dallas Winston

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Here's a short story that I've written very quickly. I challenged myself to write in ten minutes, and this is what I came up with..... PS. ITS DIRTY.

In the Night - Dallas Winston

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In the Night - Dallas Winston

King of the streets, Dallas Winston shows a small town girl how to please a man in the rebellious youth movement of Tulsa in 1991.

Beware this contains: adult themes.

Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1991.

Twisting my heels against the fresh cut grass, I hummed to the sound of the merry go round behind the lemonade booth that I was tending too. The point of my shoes had already broken through the dirt, I just making it worse by now. I hoped that my crush would show up to crash this church festival like he did every month.

I picked out his favourite sundress, he told me so last time I wore it. For some reason I held his opinion very high, and wondered if he felt the same about me. My mother never liked it, or him to be the truth. Neither did the town when he showed up, people watched him closely expecting the worst. But he did everything bad late at night...

When my father died over a year ago, it completely destroyed my mother to the point that she wouldn't leave me alone. I knew it was from grief but I couldn't help loathing her company. All she did was follow me around and nit-pick every movement I made, it got so bad I became dependent on her as well.

She never wanted me to end up like that, but couldn't bare to see me leave her side. That's why I am here today at the festival, tending this old lemonade stand which has been in our family for decades. I trail my hand over to the snapped paint table top, wondering if this booth had ever been renovated or fixed since the day it was built.

The deal was I had to stand here all weekend, wearing a gorgeous dress and flutter my eyelashes, hoping that someone would come over and buy a fifty cent beverage. I had already sold two jugs worth of the lemonade without it hit sunset, but I was getting real exhausted from waiting around.

The church ran this festival every second weekend of the month. So I was expected to be on my best behavior, which wasn't a problem until Dallas Winston showed up with his swaggered walk. I always admired his thick eyebrows that moved with his expression, so much so that I found myself drooling as he caught me from across the yard. Dallas always bugged me, that's how I liked it.

He juggled a bunch of coins in his hands, throwing them up in the air and catching them, then moseyed on over here. "One kiss." he winked. I gaped at him with a twisted toothy smile, "This isn't a kissing booth, you bozo." I bantered, I couldn't let him see I was interested in a guy like him. The truth was that I couldn't of been more head over heels with this thug, at least that's what all the people at church called him.

"Uh, you know you want too." he leaned over the booth, making himself only inches from my face, "Baby." he fluttered that word. I almost fainted right then and there, if he hadn't of backed up then my face would've met the dirt. I clutched the closest object within reach, "Only if you buy lemonade." I stared straight at him with the jug in my hand. "Maybe I don't like lemonade."

"Maybe you won't get a kiss." I replied, pretending to return to cutting lemons. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He looked stunned for a moment, then scoffed, "You draw a hard bargain little lady." he whispered. I breathed out, inside I was dying from excitement,"Not much little. That'll be fifty cents."

"Rip off. I'll take two." He passes the sweaty, warm coins into my hand. I pour two plastic cups of the yellow liquid, then slide them over to him. He hands me one, we both drink the sweet lemonade, It didn't taste very good. Dallas smacks his lips, "That's terrible, what do you put in it?" He complains with disgust, "I don't make it. You want that kiss or not?"

He shrugged arrogantly, I leaned over the booth for a second time. As his hot breath wavers over my face I felt weak, it was finally happening and I didn't know how to feel besides numb to the touch. Dallas drawled back inches from our lips almost touching, a wild smirk sprawls across that face of his, "I didn't say where." he eyed his belt buckle. 

I wanted him so bad that I threw away all that I've learnt in church, and followed him behind the stalls of games. It was real isolated back here, besides the voices from outside and the baseball's hitting the back wall of the stalls. Dallas was ready before we even started, I went in to kiss him but he stopped me in my tracks, "Down." he commanded, pushing my shoulders. 

I did what was told and buckled to my knees, becoming eye level with his groin. Without me even touching him, Dallas had a bugle beneath his denim jeans. When I glanced up at him, he had his head tilted back waiting for me. Slowly, but surely I unbuckled him and undid the button. Almost surprisingly as I pulled his pants and boxers down, his member sprang out. 

I glide my hand down his soft skin, he responds with shortened breathing and manages to get out, "Do it with your mouth." I nodded at his wishes, not like he was watching me anyway. I slide his member against my tongue, and get to work. I wasn't sure if I was doing it right, but Dallas seemed to like whatever I was doing. 

He throws his head back as pleasure erodes his limbs, his hand on the back of my head curls around my hair. His hips thrust into my mouth so hard I felt as if he was mouth f***king me. Soon groans slip from his mouth, and his breathing becomes hitched. My mouth is filled with his thick, warm fluid that it drips down to my chin. I didn't want him to be offend, so I swallowed it all and tried to hold back my gagging reflex. 

Dallas flicked a piece of paper at me, then left. I reappeared out from behind the stalls with grass stained knees and guilt on my face, but at least I finally had his phone number.

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