Cat Fight!

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You are sitting on the hood of your brother Steve's car, smoking with Johnny and him in the parking lot of the Nightly Double drive-in. Steve laid along the back seat with some music left playing out the windows. It was another boring Wednesday night with nothing to do. Ponyboy and Soda couldn't come out because it was a school night, Darry wouldn't let them.

Steve began ranting about anything and everything like some weird tradition when he got us alone. I guess he was just bored without Soda by his side.

"Tell us about your perfect life little sister."

I started laughing after he said this. Johnny joined in as well. I wouldn't say my life was perfect but I also wouldn't say it was horrible. I'm lucky enough to have a caring older brother and Johnny as a great boyfriend.

"Jealously is a horrible colour on you Steve."

Johnny stuck out his hand as you highfived it. Steve kicked himself up and got out of the car, he rolled his eyes. You check your watch for the time, you couldn't be bothered to watch the movie anymore.

"I'm gonna go get some popcorn, you want some?"

Steve flipped a coin over to you, "Get coke, I'm buying. Get some for Johnny too."

"Yes sir!" you gave him an overly happy tone and began to walk towards the canteen. As you near it, a group of girls stroll straight towards you. You weren't about to move out of the way for nobody, one of them bumps straight into you without hesitation.

"Ugh." You groan in shock. You assumed everything was fine and started to walk again when you hear her mouth run.

"Gross! get out of my way."

You quickly had wide eyes and turned around slowly to see her giving you a disgusted look while her two friends laughed next to her.

You fake a sincere smile and warn her, "You don't want to mess with me."

She gives you a snarky laugh and rolls her eyes, "Or what will happen?"

"Or I'll rip those fake extensions out of your ugly head and wrap it around your throat."

You threatened her. She started laughing again and looked back at her stupid friends who were also laughing. All of a sudden you feel a harsh sting on your cheek. The girl actually slapped you. You were used to fighting as greasers and neither of you weren't about to back down.

You didn't let her know it had hurt you, even though you really wanted to cry. You start giving her a wild smirk and you did the same before you slapped her twice as hard. Her teeth grit out hard as she holds her cheek and blows the hair out of her face. A crowd of movie goers quickly began to surround us.

She reaches into her back pocket and flicks out a red handled switch blade. You turn around so your back is facing her before wiping back around, flipping your leg into the air and kicking her hand. It happens so fast and hard the blade is thrown out of her hand and flies onto the gravel about fifteen meters away.

The shocked crowd surrounding us stood in silence, their mouths wide open. You were pretty amazing with the talented kick but remained with your burning searing eyes. You don't take them off of hers.

You can almost see the panic in her eyes, even though she tried to remain tough and not show it, you knew she was afraid. You launch your arm at her head, tangling your hand into her hair. You rip her head back so she was looking up at your face.

You slowly lean into her ear and whisper, "Nice try sweetheart."

You throw her head down and whip your knee up into her face. Straight away blood begins to rush out of her nose, all over her face and body. She collapses onto her knees on the ground and clutches onto her nose with small whimpers escaping her mouth.

Her once giggling friends looked at you all white as ghost and shaking like leaves. You give them wild poker eyes, "Want- one-ladies?" you grit through your teeth at them, finishing off with a smirk. One by one they fled, running away in a panic.

The girl wombles onto her feet with small tears welled up in her eyes, she doesn't even look at you as she flees with her friends.

You turn around to see the two boys. Steve's mouth was slightly open and scratches the back of his neck, "Now I know why they call you Claws, little sister."

You look over to your boyfriend, noticing him a bit intimidated and blushing slightly. Johnny finally speaks after a few moments of silence, you're not even sure if he realised what he said.

"Damn, let's f-"

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