STORY: First Kiss with Dally

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You and Dally just finished watching a movie at the drive-in with two-bit. As you're all leaving the front entrance, two-bit parts ways to go home. "I'll see you both tomorrow!" he chuckled.

"Where you going?" Dally asked him.

"Gotta get home!" Two-bit runs off.

You and Dally start to walk the other way, along the gated grave. You shove your hands into your jacket pockets for warmth, while paasing two men.

"Hey sexy, I'd like to see you and me in the back of my car. If you know what I mean" one of them yells out, and makes thrusting movements.

You already knew it was a soc trying to start trouble. Dally whips his head back, "What'd you say?" 

You try to hold him back, pulling on his shoulder. He shakes you off and steps forward against the two men. 

"I said maybe this little honey would wanna come into the back of my car so we can f-" before the soc could even finish his sentence, Dally swings his arm back and pops him right in the face with a punch. 

The guy collapses onto the ground with a gallon of blood splattering out of his nose, "You broke his nose man!" the other man yelled out. Dally chuckles devilishly, "You want one?"

The soc's scrambles onto his feet, holding his bloody nose  "You will pay for this Winston!" he points before stumbling off.

"Oh sure I will." Dally sat at the ground and rolls his eyes. 

You playfully punch him, "Why'd you do that Dally?"

You grab a hold of his hand, putting it into yours and trail your fingers over his bloody knuckles, he pulls back slightly wincing in pain but tried to remain tough.

"Does it hurt?" you worried.

"A bit." he says.

"It'll be fine, kid." He adds sees your face looking worryingly at him. You smile softly. 

He walks you all the way back to your house, even though it's almost a mile out of his way. He doesn't want you walking alone, especially at night. 

You arrive at the front door together, you can hear the television on inside, your parents waited for you to get home. 

You both stand there at the front door, you look at his stern gaze travel down to your lips. A small smirk plays on your face, "What?" you say getting flustered.

He pulls your body against his, and forces his lips onto yours. You move your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his body. All of a sudden he slips his tongue into your mouth. You pull back, "Your tongue..."

He shakes his head with a small chuckle, "You're so innocent." he says before pulling you back in again.

You're both stopped when you hear the front door open and your father speaks, luckily he didn't see you two.

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