Bad Day

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Darry: He runs you a hot bubble bath with candles that smell like cherries and fruit

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Darry: He runs you a hot bubble bath with candles that smell like cherries and fruit. You lean back in the water with him behind you, and talk for hours until it's time to get out. This makes you relax and feel better, knowing you have a man who loves you deeply. 

Ponyboy: He rides his bike all the way down to the other side of town with you holding onto the back of him. He uses his loose change that he's been saving up to buy you a special present which is a new book you've been eyeing for ages, a fresh jumper and you're favourite cupcakes from a small bakery. 

Dallas: He takes you to the top of a roof that he's sneaked up too. You both sit and watch out at the stars while sharing cigarettes. He tries to comfort you but finds it hard. Little does he know the simple gesture of being with him is enough. 

Keith: Although illegal, you both go around stealing small objects from a number of stores. The rush of it all and Keith by your side makes you feel more in control. At the end of the night, you take the stolen objects and give them to homeless people to balance the bad out with the good. 

Johnny: Both of you walk over to the pet shelter, and volunteer there with all the animals. You and Johnny talk about the future together, and pray one day you'll be able to have pets of your own. 

Soda: You cry into his arms while he holds you tight. He then creates a movie night under blanket forts with popcorn and Pepsi, you end up falling asleep while watching the third movie together. 

Steve: The two of you get down and dirty *clean* in the shower. He then takes you to the bed, and somehow you end up on the middle of the living room floor, naked and drenched in sweat that you need another shower. 

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