Out of Character things he does

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Dallas: Every once in a while he has emotional days where he breaks down and cries around you

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Dallas: Every once in a while he has emotional days where he breaks down and cries around you. Although he doesn't show it around other people, Dallas can't help but bawl his eyes out over small mishaps. He is usually very tough and this completely breaks you heart. You find him laying on the couch face down or even while he's making love to you. All you can do is hold him and tell him how much you love him. He gets in such a bad way that he doesn't even want to smoke or eat. 

Steve: He often visits his neighbors, especially the elderly ones to help out with chores such as mow the lawn, dishes and even grocery shopping. Some attempt to pay him for his work but Steve always declines it. This charity makes him feel better about all the wrong he's done in life and continues to do. 

Johnny: When he can, Johnny loves to go on hikes that last miles alone. It helps him take fresh breaths and relax more from his hard life. He even has attempted to start running, so he can train for a half marathon. It's very hard for him though because of his small weight and lack of nutrients from the food he's forced to eat.

Soda: Little to anyone else knowledge, Soda sneaks around to his ex girlfriend's oldest brothers house. They've become close, although Soda isn't homosexual he partakes in acts with him for his own pleasure when he can't find a girl to take out. He questions his sexuality nearly everyday but isn't educated in the matter. 

Keith: Without anyone else around, Keith does odd jobs around town for some extra cash. He sometimes helps out at the bar where his mother works, so he can buy and take his younger sister out for fun. He doesn't want her to have a crappy life like he has had. Keith never breaks the law around her either, hoping she will turn out good. 

Pony: Sometimes in school, Pony slacks off and doesn't do any work. He becomes a class clown often making fun of people and bullying them lightly. He's even made a kid cry before, but ends up making it up to them by doing their homework or buying them milk from the cafeteria. 

Darry: Every once in a while, Darry drives to the grocery store and buys a whole lot of junk food. He then sits in the parking lot for a few hours and stuffs his face with every single bad food you could imagine, including whipped cream, cake, popcorn, maple syrup, cookies and ice cream. He calls it his balanced day, although he doesn't tell anyone about it and the scale never changes. 

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