Him During an Argument | PART 1

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Your husband and you have just returned home after a night out with friends. While at the restaurant you got into a tiny argument, it wasn't until you got home that it escalated. Don't worry y'all make up ;)


 paces back and forth, sits down then stands up straight away and can't seem to be still for a moment. 

"aRE YOU F**king SERIOUS?"


"I guess its your time of the month because that would explain you being such a b***!"


is mature, and wants to work the entire thing out right then and there. When you try to walk away he stops you. He won't let you run off and cry. 

"No. No, we're not finished here."


will not put up with it, just walks away until you calm down.

"I don't deserve this."

"When you calm the fu** down i'll be at the lot."

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