STORY: Dally Rescue | Part 2

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Dally turns to you, his face paler than ever. His next movements became quick, he jolts towards the drivers seat of the car. He throws the blood covered gun onto the back car seat.

People inside the restaurant began to flood out the door, screeching for a reason behind the loud popping noises. Dally hurries to start the car engine, he backs out of the car space and speeds out of the car park.

He swerves onto the high way, nearly hitting a dozen cars. Neither of us uttered a single word to each other. He just drives faster.

You gaze out of the window, as he peed down the road for what seemed like eternity without stopping. The only thing you had to dull your boredom was the horrible memory facades into your brain.

The scenery seems to block out your thoughts for a while, but it would just return to the dead blood. The busy road which seemed to never end, slowly turned into a deserted highway with flat cracked land as fat as the eye could see.
The two of you hadn't spoke in more than three hours. You couldn't tell the exact time considering the car clock was broken.

The night sky started to spread out a beautiful arrangement of orange and purple for the marking of dawn. It was finally morning, you gazed over to Dally, who had started to get exhausted. His eyes appear puffed red, with a dark shade under them.

You really wanted to reach out to him, but he wasn't in the mood for any type of socialising.

In the view ahead you see a sign which read the word motel and vacancy. You lean over to Dally, and tap him on the upper bicep. He flinches away from you, seemly surprised you had touched him.

"Dally look." you point at the motel. He looks for a second before driving straight past it. "No." he says stubbornly. You let out a loud groan, "You're going to fall asleep at the wheel."

Before you could say anything else, he drives onto the side of the road and forces the car into a screeching halt, forcing both of you to jilt forward.

"You gotta listen to me." he says harshly.

"What? I'm not the one who killed that man!" you stated.

He chuckles, shaking his head "You're guilty by association sweetheart."
You lean your head back on the seat, not responding to him. He rotates his body away from you, "You're too immature to understand."

You roll your eyes, "I know what's going on Dally, I'm not a little kid."

He lets out a loud sarcastic laugh, "Technically you're kid and considering what we just went through you'd better listen to me. After all I've had similar experiences before." He turns the car back on, and started down the highway again.

You didn't want to speak to him anymore. Stress brings out the worst in some people, you turn your body to face away from him. You slowly close your eyes and pretend to sleep, expect you actually end up falling asleep.
To be continued....

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